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When Kylie grew to her full height, it scared her parents and siblings which led to the running away, starting life anew without her. It left her heartbroken she was only 18 years old and she had no money.
For awhile she decided to eat what was in the pantry and fridge but with her big height came an even bigger appetite.
She soon ran out of food and drinks, since the bills weren't being paid the electric was shut off then water and gas. She lay in the house filling most of it up with her body.
She still kept growing until her head busted through the ceiling and through the roof. She used this hole to explore the area around her, scavenging for anything to eat or to use to fix her house so she didn't freeze to death.
She found berries in the woods and held them in her hand, they were tiny to her so she needed hundreds of them to even make it worthwhile.

Once she found enough stuff she headed back to her crumbling house, put the berries in the kitchen then got to work fixing the house up making it more her size.
Loneliness was a silent killer, you start to go insane without anybody around your mind doesn't work well without some form of nurturing.

She walked into the kitchen now that the ceiling was higher she could actually walk.
She grabbed some berries off the counter and tossed them in her mouth, they were plain tasting but they were still food.
She wanted somebody, someone to love. Someone to be there for her.
Someone to take care of.
Lost in her thoughts she dropped a berry on the floor. She dropped to her knees to pick it up, wasting food wasn't an option.
That's when she saw him. A tiny man, he wasn't tiny simply because she was huge, he was genuinely a tiny man coming in at about one foot.
She made eye contact with him and smiled.
"Please don't kill me, I just want some food." He said starting to shake.
"I'm not going to kill you little one." She said sitting criss crossed on the floor now.
The tiny grabbed the huge red berry and started to take it away. She placed her hand in front of his path.
"Eat with me." She said with sadness in her tone.
It registered with him, he too knew what it was like to be alone, his family having abandoned him when he shrunk.
He followed her instructions to climb onto her lap to eat the berries together.
She ate many meanwhile he was full after only 5 bites. She ate the rest of his berry before wiping her hands.
"How did you get so small" she asked.
He looked up at her, this giant woman sculpted with such beauty and perfection yet absolute sadness painted on her face.
"It just happened, we were eating dinner together and it just happened, everyone left, saying it would be impossible to take care of me properly, so they abandoned me." He said with a line of tears dripping from his eyes.
She pet his head with her hand as gently as she could.
"Same thing happened to me, once I grew they all left, saying I was scary or that I'd hurt them." Kylie said
They say in silence for a moment before Kylie said "why don't you stay with me?" She asked.
He lit up fast, living alone and often on the streets wasn't something he enjoyed, constantly dodging people so as not to be trampled or stomped.
He nodded his head indicating he liked her idea.

She picked him up in her palm, put her fingers lightly against him so he didn't fall out and carried him into the room she slept in.
The living room.
The bedrooms were too small to hold her.
She asked him if he would be comfortable with her taking her clothes off as she liked sleeping naked. He nodded his head yes, so she pulled her shirt off revealing a pair of large breasts, eager to be free. Then she pulled off her pants revealing a large rear and a light pink vagina.
He couldn't help but stare at her gorgeous body.
"Do you want to get naked to?" She asked noticing he was still fully clothed.
He nodded and pulled off all of his clothes, allowing her to now see her new friend totally nude.
Also noticing his hard dick at the sight of her body.
"Can I touch you?" He asked her, staring at her boobs.
She rolled into her back and said yes.
He climbed onto her chest and began rubbing her boobs and nipples. She seemed to enjoy the sensations she was getting.
He continued lower where he reached her stomach, he blew into her stomach making fart noises and this caused her to laugh, sending him bouncing into the air and landing on her vagina. His face resting on her clit.
She stopped laughing and moaned, it felt so good. She felt him getting smaller, basically bug sized. He was now not just touching her clit but was now on it.
Yet he stood there with pure joy, he wasn't alone anymore, no matter how small or how big she got. He had a friend, maybe more than a friend now.
She gently plucked him off her vagina and brought him to her face.
"You shrunk again." She said worried.
He nodded his head but with a smile.
She cocked her head to the side, "and yet your happy." She said.
"Yes because now I know no matter what size we are, we will have each other. He said.
She blushed then brought him to her lips to give him a big wet kiss.
They kissed in their own way for a long while him mostly laying smooches all over her lips, trying not to fall into her mouth.
"I want to go back inside." He said pointing at her vagina.
"I would like that but I don't know if I would be able to get you out." She said.
"I'll be fine." He said.
She lowered him down to her pussy lips and he crawled inside to give her the best orgasm she'd ever had. Meanwhile he had one too, his cum blending with hers.

Definitely more than friends. Giantess and tiny together, it proves that while they shouldn't be, love prevails and size doesn't matter when you have love.

End of chapter 1

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