7. Untouchable

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But you're untouchable, burning brighter than the sun...


Jeddah's race would probably be remembered as one of the worst weekends in Ferrari's history.

Carlos had a DNF due to a problem with the breaks while Charles had an impact with Lewis' Mercedes in the very first lap that left almost nothing of the chassis.

Even when it hadn't been Carlos' fault, he had still been very upset about abandoning the race. It was understandable. But Charles had also been furious when he had that accident with Lewis. He even called for an investigation, desperately trying to prove that it had been Hamilton's fault. But in the end, the FIA proved that it had been, in fact, Charles' fault since he had closed on Hamilton's race line, leaving him with no space to move, causing them to collide.

It had been an absolute disaster.

The only positive thing about the whole situation was that the team had two weeks until we raced in Melbourne to repair both cars.

The four days after we had arrived in Australia, I really didn't had much to do since the race wasn't until the following week. So I used those free days to hang out with Mona and enjoy the Australian views.

She took me to the popular city museums. We ate in Queen Victoria's market. We went to the beach, where we tanned and took hundreds of pictures of each other with my disposable camera. And then, Lando and her took me to a football match. I wasn't an enthusiast of football as much as them but I still had a lot of fun.

I hadn't had the opportunity to explore the other places we had visited so far, so I was truly enjoying my time in Australia.

But it was time to get back at work.

Charles and Carlos had arrived to Melbourne just yesterday, and even if they still had free days before the race, my resting time was over.

Both drivers would be doing a campaign with a surfing brand and I had been commissioned with the pictures, which excited me a lot. It would be my first job working with another brand besides Ferrari and we would be doing some shots in the water, so I was really hyped about it.

I woke up early, put on a bathing suit, some pair of shorts, packed my cameras and then caught a taxi that took me straight to the accorded place. The brand had chosen an extremely hard to find beach to keep the shoot out of fan and paparazzi eyes, so we could work in privacy.

It was a small bay hidden behind tropical trees, with sand that was close to the color of snow. No rocks, or animals, or people in sight. It was beautiful.

"Aspen!" The lady that would be directing today's shoot called out my name as soon as she saw me arrive and then shook my hand, "Thanks for coming in early."

"No problem." I smiled, "Thank you for the opportunity."

"No need. I've seen your work and I'm impressed." The lady kindly said, "Besides, you already know the guys and that will make it much easier." She turned in direction to the sea, "Speaking of them, they're over there if you want to get started."

I looked ahead, to the majestic mass of water that seemed to be calling for me and I spotted them. Both Carlos and Charles who were close to the shore, getting dressed in their respective surfing suits.

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