10. Dadda

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Aadhya's POV: 

I was talking to ankita...yes same ankita. my best friend. No not just mine, our best friend. 

when I was telling about my past to daksh we heard our phones ringing at the same time. he took his phone and excused himself to talk. maybe something important. I look at mine and saw that ankita is calling. just as I saw her name flashing on the screen may heart left a clinch and stopped beating for a mini second. my palms started sweating and my whole body started shivering. 

I just wanted that when I pickup up this call I get my desired news. my hands were shivering this much that I was unable to pickup the call but somehow managed and placed the phone on my ear. 


'hello.....aadhya' she sounded normal. maybe she.....

'aadhya you okay? thi...this time toh...' she asked being worried but I cut her off in the middle to settle her mind down. 

'no no. not this time. and I think I got the right one this time but......' I don't know why but there is always a but in my life.

'but what aadhu' I don't think I will be able to tell her on the call and moreover I need to ask her about.......

'ankita......' she hummed

'wh...what about the.....about the information of....' my hands which for once stopped shaking started to shake again and my body got all wet with the amount of sweat forming on my body.

'aadhu...can we...meet. I mean I will be able to tell you all this after meeting you only. tere sasural wale to.....' before she can complete the sentence I heard daksh's voice

(your in-laws are..)

"Aadhya" my gaze diverted from nothing in particular to someone particular. my someone. my....'oh shut up aadhya you didn't even told him the truth yet' oh yeah that's toh true.

"Aadhya are you done talking" his voice again gained my attention

"huh?" I didn't listened what he said because I was toh busy talking to myself. 

"I was just saying that if you are done talking on the phone then can we go back as there is someone coming to meet us today. they couldn't attend the wedding due to some reasons but are coming today. so.....shall we continue our talk later?" he said. his voice cold and emotion less. nothing can be seen particularly in his eyes as his eyes were blank with no emotions. 

I looked at may phone and again at him. he raised his eyebrows asking me again.

"actually...one of may friend is willing to meet me. can i....can I meet her. please I won't take much time and also won't disturb any member of the house. I will also not go out of the house for next as many days as you want and will also not meet her again till you allow me to. promise." I said with a expression of hope that he agrees and won't shout on me for meeting me friend the net day of marriage.

when I didn't got any reply I turned to my phone and said "i...I think...I mean I will tell you later I need to go now."  

"but aadhu....." I cut her in middle and stood up with my head bowed down.

"I am ready..." I said walking towards the gate as may eyes started shedding tears. He held may wrist and turned me around. I clashed into him. my hands on his chest for support. he hold my chin with his index finger and made me look into his light brown eyes which were now shining due to the bright sunlight coming in the balcony. he hold y chin and said.

"Aadhya there is no need for you to ask me or any member of the family if you want to meet anyone or want to go anywhere. just inform anyone or me so that we won't worry about your safety. you said that you won't meet anyone after I let you meet this friend of your. why?....why won't you meet anyone. and who am I to let to meet someone. why do you need my permission." he said. his eyes sincere and ice cold at the same time. pain was lingering into those eyes of his as if my words pierced his heart in the middle.

Best Friends For Life ♾️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang