Chapter 11

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This is the end for this book, it's been a long time until I updated and I am really sorry for that because I think that this story isn't worth the wait to be honest. 

I hope you still enjoy it and I'll come back with other stories that are better even thought it will not be a Zacky V. fanfiction.

I hope you all don't hate me for this 

Have a great summer people!♥


Mary's POV

It took us the owl summer, for Zacky and I to finally live together. We sweated our asses off at work, so much that we would work as much as we could each day, barelly seeing each other. But our relationship remain because we were doing this for the both of us, so we can finally be together as much as we could. I was in our bedroom, putting the last clothes in the drawers when I felt two hands wrapped around my waist, a smile made its way on my lips as Zacky pull me into is chest. "Are you done with the bedroom yet?" Zacky ask as he traill soft kisses on my neck. "No, I need to do the bed" I answer turning around to face the one I love. His green eyes weree shinning bright as he looked deep into my eyes, "Fuck that, I want to cuddle with you. It's been so long" Zacky winned, as he lay us down on the bed, me on top of him.He put a little kiss on my lips before he pull me down beside him."Isn't it beautiful?" Zacky spoke up after a moment of comfortable silence,I look up at him weirdly,"What are you talking about?" I ask,"The way that we ended up here. I was your guardian angel, we were never suppose to meet and here we are. Living together and I'm now a human. It's a beautiful ride and we aren't done with it" Zacky told me, always keeping eye contact with me. "It's the most beautiful way I could ever think of meeting someone" I answer smiling. Living together was just the begining of our adventure.

Falling in love with my guardian angelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora