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It was 7 am in the morning . a young girl is making breakfast in the kitchen,with her hairs tied in a braid ,a small necklace ,and a nose ring adorning her nose she looked ethereal , this young girl Is heer Sharma.

"Is the food not ready yet "a woman in her late 50's came in and spated .This lady was the step mom of heer ,Madhu Sharma

"Just 2 minutes maa its almost rea--"she couldn't complete her sentence before she was backhanded by her mother

"I told you I had to go somewhere this morning why isn't it ready yet" she shouted

"i-i-m sorry maa ill just serve it "heer said rushing up

"fucking useless "Madhu Sharma murmured going outside

[Time skip - breakfast]

"Good morning, Dad," Heer greeted her father, who was reading his morning newspaper.

"Morning, beta," he greeted back, putting the newspaper down.

"Heer, I want you to come home early, as there are some guests coming over," Anand Sharma, Heer's dad, informed her.

"But, Dad, I told you I have to study at the library my papers are coming up."

"Heer, this is an important feast arranged by me, and you should be present."

"Okay, Dad," Heer said defeatedly.


Ayaan's eyes narrowed as he stared at his father, a cold and reserved demeanor settling over him. The annoyance in his voice gave way to a calculated calmness. "I fail to understand why I should indulge in this unnecessary socializing. It's a waste of time, and I have more important matters to attend to," he retorted, his tone devoid of any warmth or emotion.

His father, Abishek Shekhawat, met Ayaan's gaze with an unwavering determination. "Ayaan, you need to maintain connections in the real world. Your work isn't the only thing that defines you," he countered, his tone firm but tinged with a hint of frustration. "Your mother and I expect you to be there, and that's final."

Ayaan's icy composure remained unshaken. "Canceling my meetings without my consent is unacceptable, Dad. I won't be manipulated into this," he added, his words measured and unyielding. The air in the room seemed to grow colder as Ayaan's detached gaze conveyed a sense of detachment, as if he had built a fortress around himself, shielding any emotions from surfacing.


Timeskip [evening]

"Is Heer home?" Anand Sharma asked Madhu

"yes she is just getting ready"

*the bell rings*

"They are here"

"Ahhhh abishek its been so long how are you??"Anand said greeting his old friend

"Good good thank god you called be or else I thought you have forgotten me" abishek shekhawat joked.

"oh beta Ayaan you have grown up so much since I last saw you ,you have turned into a dashing are you"

"Thank you uncle I'm fine"

"ok come on inside"

*while the settled down in the dining , the woman came to set up the food with the maids*

"Madhu where is Heer, is she not home? Reena shekhawat asked .

"oh yea she is I'll ask the maids to call her down"

On que everyone heard anklets and turned their head to see Heer coming downstairs looking breathtaking in the pink anarkali suit .

"Namaste aunty ..namaste uncle"she said and was about to touch reena's feet when she said

"betiyaan paoon nahi chooti gale lagti hai"


So, how is the business going"Abhishek Shekhawat asked

Anand replied, 'Well, the business is not fine. We are losing investors, and the company really needs investors right now. I'm thinking of selling the company.'

Ayaan looked at them with bored eyes, while Anaya was talking with the aunties, both uninterested in the talk.

Abhishek continued, "Well, you can't sell your hard-earned company. It took you years to build this. I can invest 50% in your company; I guess that will help."

"That is such a big favor, Abhishek. I can't take it."

"Well, that brings us to why we are here today. You remember when Heer was born; you promised she would be our daughter-in-law. Well, we—me and reena—are here to ask for Heer's hand in marriage for our son, Ayaan."

Well thats it for today i guess

give me your reviews guys 

love you



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