Going Back To Tree Hill

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Peyton reclined on the bed next to Lucas in a hotel room, embracing him. 'May I inform Brooke about our relationship?' she inquired, wishing for her friend to be her maid of honor. 'Certainly,' Lucas replied, planting a kiss on her forehead. Peyton then rose from the bed, making her way to the bathroom to call her best friend.

As she contemplated Brooke, her heart raced with the realization that she was getting married. Dialing Brooke's number, she listened to the phone ring repeatedly, causing her to worry as Brooke typically answered her calls promptly.

'Please pick up, Brooke,' she muttered, combating the uneasy feeling creeping in. Despite reaching Brooke's voicemail on her first attempt and receiving no answer on subsequent calls, Peyton persisted. On the sixth try, just as she was about to give up, Brooke finally answered.

Brooke's voice on the other end was not as cheerful as usual; it sounded distant. Peyton, sensing something was wrong with her friend based on the tone, asked, 'Brooke, is everything okay?' There was heavy breathing coming from Brooke's side. 'Brooke?' Peyton directed, trying to get her attention.

'Yeah?' Brooke responded, her voice cracking. 'Is there something you need, Peyton?' she asked. The blond, noticing Brooke's urgency to end the call, shook her head and said, 'Not really, I just called to check on you, see how you are, and tell you something.'

'I'm fine,' Brooke promised, but Peyton, knowing her for years, could tell when she was lying. 'What do you want to tell me?' Brooke asked, her tone now curious.

Upon taking a breath, Peyton smiled while attempting to dispel the feeling in her chest. 'Lucas asked me to marry him,' she announced with a smile, noting the audible sharp intake of breath from Brooke.

'Really?' Brooke inquired, to which Peyton confirmed, 'Yep. And I-' But before she could continue, Brooke interrupted, 'I must go, Peyton. We shall converse later,' the brunette declared before abruptly ending the call, leaving Peyton perplexed by the sudden disconnect.

'Something seems amiss. Brooke wouldn't normally hang up on me in such a distant manner,' Peyton murmured, taking a deep breath. Reflecting on the possible reasons for Brooke's behavior, Peyton considered the recent events involving Angie. Although she had to part ways with Angie the day before, she was hesitant to believe it was the sole cause of Brooke's apparent distance.

"Should I return home to ascertain the matter with her? Considering that she would put everything aside and rush back if roles were reversed." Peyton shared her recollection of Brooke's sacrifice to leave New York and come back for her. Peyton paused as a knock interrupted their conversation. "Hello Peyton, are you all right?" Lucas inquired from the other side of the door.

Peyton took a moment to contemplate her emotions; she had anticipated feeling delighted to be reunited with Lucas, but the spark she had expected was absent, leaving her perplexed. Before opening the door, she shook her head to refocus her thoughts.

"Yes, I am fine," she responded. "What did Brooke say?" Lucas queried with curiosity. Peyton shook her head and fabricated a response, "She didn't respond. I attempted to contact her seven times but received only voicemail."

As Lucas observed her, he questioned, "Is everything alright?" Peyton shrugged, expressing her uncertainty, "I'm not sure, I am concerned." She expressed her urgency to return home, acknowledging her need to do so.

Upon looking at Lucas, Peyton paused and expressed, 'Lucas, I don't believe proceeding with our plans is suitable at this moment. I must return home.' She faltered as she saw the expression on Lucas' face. 'What, get married?' Lucas inquired, clearly surprised. 

She shook her head, 'No, I'm not saying we can't get married. I mean that I am unable to proceed at this time. I need to go back home to check on Brooke,' she clarified. 'I would like to postpone the wedding to a different date.'

After contemplating her words, Lucas furrowed his brows. Despite his eagerness to marry now, Peyton's tone suggested that something was amiss, prompting him to agree, 'Very well, let's head back home.' As he proceeded to pack his belongings, Peyton nodded and sighed, pondering her wavering feelings towards Lucas and the emerging sentiments for Brooke.

Shortly after packing and retrieving tickets to return to Tree Hill, both Peyton and Lucas waited to board the plane. Peyton stood next to Lucas silently, and he inquired, 'Is something troubling you?' as he gazed at Peyton, noticing a certain look in her eyes.

'I'm just worried about Brooke. I'm concerned that I left her too soon after giving up Angie and dealing with her mother,' Peyton replied with a frown on her face. 'Yes, I agree it may not have been the ideal time to head to Vegas, but we needed a brief escape,' Lucas said as he embraced the blonde.

Despite knowing they needed the getaway, Peyton furrowed her brow, pondering if they could have planned things out better. She briefly considered reaching out to Brooke again, but anticipated that the brunette might ignore her call, leading her to decide that the best course of action was to go home and communicate in person.

As thoughts of the brunette continued to occupy her mind, Peyton recognized a familiar sensation in her chest, causing her to shake her head in an attempt to dispel it. 'I cannot develop feelings like that for my best friend,' she mused.

Lucas expressed confidence in Brooke's strength and reassured that she would be fine with Haley, Nathan, Mouth, and Skills checking on her. He also suspected that Brooke was seeking attention.

Peyton disagreed, believing that Brooke might not be honest about what is bothering her. Despite Lucas's reluctance to return to Tree Hill, Peyton joined him on the plane after the flight attendant announced the departure in twenty minutes.

Once on board, Lucas suggested checking on Brooke before addressing wedding preparations. Peyton agreed, acknowledging that Brooke would do the same for them and apologized for the shortened time together, noting the doubt in Lucas's eyes.

Following a four-hour plane journey, the plane finally touched down at Tree Hill Airport, and Peyton and Lucas disembarked. Peyton expressed her intention to head home to check on Brooke, kissing Lucas before parting ways.

Lucas, wearing a smile, informed Peyton that he would go see Haley, Nathan, and Jamie while she checked in on Brooke.

Peyton got into a taxi and instructed the driver on their destination, her thoughts consumed with concern for Brooke as they journeyed. 'Please be home, Brooke,' she whispered softly, unable to shake the feeling that something had happened to the brunette.

Observing through the window, Peyton attempted to contact Brooke once more, only to be met with her voicemail yet again. 'Should I consider sending her a text to see if she would respond?' she muttered quietly as the taxi transported her back home.

Following another ten minutes, Peyton arrived at the residence, dragging her suitcase along. 'Brooke, I have returned,' she announced upon entering the house.

Her expression turned into a frown as she received no reply, noting that Brooke was present at home based on her BMW parked in the driveway.

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