I | the frayed thread whispers

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April 5, 2095 AD | Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture: Kuroba Residence
An alarm clock beeped insistently on the desk, alerting the owner to stop their task. Kuroba Mahiru exited out of the reports before properly shutting everything down. The alarm beeped several more times before she silenced it. Leaning back, the details from the reports and the orders blurred in her mind.

Investigate the whereabouts and dealings of Blanche and any related organizations. Cooperate with the Saegusa family. Delegation to the other members of the Kuroba family is permitted. Delete any and all footage pertaining to Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki.

Exhaling slowly, Mahiru stretched her arms before standing up. For someone whom they demean, they sure do care a lot about his identity. The thought unconsciously ran through her mind before she stopped that particular train of thought. 

In addition to her usual intelligence load, the Yotsuba head butler, Hayama, delegated an increasing amount of work that her mother was supposed to oversee. So, instead of waking up at her normal 02:00 time, she started her work at midnight. The additional two hours proved to be useful in scratching the surface of the task. 

She passed by her new school uniform while heading to the bathroom. Hanging neatly on the closet door and ironed to perfection by their HAR, an automated robot for chores, the crimson and black color scheme indicated her acceptance into Third High School. Most importantly, on her shoulders and left breast pocket was a yellow hexagonal star, designating her as a Course 1 student.

It wasn't a surprise to her. As a direct descendant of the Yotsuba family, it meant that her magical skills overshadowed the vast majority of the current population. The Yotsuba family wasn't merely a part of the Ten Master Clans but stood at its pinnacle. Yet, everything about them was classified. There was no praise, no validation, and no ambition for those things. 

Mahiru sighed, lightly tapping the glass. She'd spent the entire morning finding and deleting any pictures and evidence of her cousins' involvement. This was the first time in a while since she even saw either of them and it pertained to a grassroots anti-magic movement. At this point, they may as well be strangers—for better or worse. 

"Mahiru-sama, breakfast is ready." The knock was accompanied by a reminder from her guardian, Sakurai Mitsuki.

Mahiru replied affirmatively before stepping out of the shower and moving through her preparations. At the end, she appraised her appearance, making sure nothing was out of place. The uniform fit perfectly on her figure with no need for alterations, and there was nothing amiss. Yet, she frowned. 

Just like her mother, anybody would agree that she was absolutely beautiful, going as far as to compare with a celestial maiden. Her burgundy-colored hair coiled neatly at its end while her violet eyes complimented nicely. A perfect visage of beauty and maturity. But the last person she wanted to resemble was her mother. 

The reminder didn't fade as she pulled her hair up into a stable bun. So, she turned away from the mirror, making her way down the staircase, where Mitsuki waited at the table.

She took her seat, and the two of them murmured manners before eating their breakfast. There was no need for conversation, so the only sounds were of the dull clanking of their utensils. Comfortable silence reigned in throughout the room.

Mahiru glanced at Mitsuki, who ate silently. Over the past three years, the only person she'd regularly been allowed to see was Mitsuki, her designated guardian. 

Mitsuki was part of the second generation of the Sakurai Series and chosen for her unique combat ability—Shinigami Requiem. A vibration and spiritual-type magic, the ability would allow a certain sound that induced suicide in their victims silently. 

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