5 | home sweet home

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Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture: Ichijou Mansion
Shinkurou Kichijouji, also known as Cardinal Red to his colleagues and George to his friend, was an anomaly in the magician community. Even if he held authority and pride in Japan's theoretical magic fields, his name bore no number. He could devote his entire life to research without anything tying him to the front lines. 

But that's not what he wanted. 

The Crimson Prince and his Cardinal Red. That was how people referred to the partnership between Ichijou Masaki and Shinkurou Kichijouji—the future leaders of the First Institute. And he was fine with that, wanted it even. 

So what if it was slightly codependent on both their parts? 

Kichijouji barely survived the attack on Sado Island due to Masaki rescuing him from the wreckage before his enemies did. He could live right now due to his friend's duty to the front lines. It was only right to devote his life to his savior. 

And Masaki, who could not find friends and acquaintances as easily as others because of his name, found companionship with him. It was them against the world. 

Yet—it wouldn't be just them against the world anymore. Masaki wouldn't be alone. 

He knew it the minute Masaki laid eyes on her that his attention was captivated. Even if to others Masaki didn't display the smitten expression, Kichijouji knew from the minute changes in his expression. Especially after the events of today, there would be nothing else occupying his mind other than Kuroba Mahiru.  

It was odd.

In his life, Kichijouji had never seen his friend as someone who was capable of admiration. Rather, he was the object of admiration. Surrounded by people, his followers, he acted with incredible selflessness to lead those around him.

All because of a stupid family name.

Their leader, he knew how the other first-years saw Masaki. Their leader they could follow to certain victory. It was worrying. To place all of the pressure on Masaki, who didn't balk at it. All because of his last name.

But it was obvious that Mahiru didn't care for that. Instead, she had her own motives and duties hidden under her polite manners and curt voice. Both Sakurai Mitsuki and her. 

Perhaps, because he and Masaki had a similar relationship, he could immediately tell that the friendship between the two girls was more akin to a river and an anchoring rock. There was a degree of codependency there too. 

He paused as Masaki stopped in front a large doorway. After security checks, they entered into the Ichijou Mansion. 

Entering through the garden as usual, they passed through the tranquil scenery with no attention to it. Masaki made a beeline for his room, tossing his jacket onto a stool before pacing the room.

Kichijouji, who was used to the room, moved toward the small refrigerator before taking a drink out and passing it to his friend. "I was going to let you think it over, but I think you're going to wear out your tatami." He pressed a button before sitting down on the new chair. "Masaki."

"I can't stop thinking about it," Masaki answered, pausing at his friend's words. He took a drink before sitting down. "I've never been in a situation where I couldn't cast any magic. I lost the match the minute she cast that." The hesitation would've cost him in battle. He knew that was the reason Mahiru opted for a physical attack then. 

It was a complete utter loss no matter who looked at it.

"I think it's a good thing," Kichijouji replied, setting his drink down on a coaster. "Masaki."

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