|06| Lucky him.

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It's crazy, really.

The power of a single secret can topple realms. People chase shadows, willing to kill over whispers and illusions. But it's not just what you have; it's what they think you know that can ruin them. One wrong step, one misplaced trust, and it's all gone.

All you've worked for, up in flames, just like that. And in this world, trust is a luxury no one can afford. It's a constant dance of deception, where every move is a potential trap waiting to be sprung.

Seated comfortably on this private jet, I balance a sleek laptop on my lap, fingers tapping away as I delve into a meticulous search. The hum of the jet's engines blends with the soft clacking of keys as I navigate through files and hidden databases.

I've been looking up more about the blonde, Delilah Crawford apparently, a twenty-two-year-old New Yorker.

Delilah Crawford's online presence was almost non-existent, as if they are erasing all information about her. It was like trying to find details about a ghost, with very little to go on and no clear leads. It seemed like they are deliberately deleting her digital history, making it appear as if she had never been there in the first place.

Cassio played it smart, but fuck, it's a nightmare for me.

Eight million dollars.

Delilah's sudden death left me with more questions than answers, as she hinted at something Cassio saw that night. What exactly it was remained a mystery, but her death cut off any chance of learning the details.

That eight million dollars he paid her could've been for a few reasons: hush money to keep her quiet about their encounter, blackmail to ensure her silence on a sensitive matter, or perhaps she possessed information on a dangerous secret.

Whatever it is must be pretty serious for him to pay such a sum. To be honest, eight million is probably pocket change for him.

How the hell did he know I was going to meet her? She's not that stupid to blab about it, or so I thought.

I exhale heavily and sink back into the plush leather seat of the jet.

My head is throbbing. It's been too long since I had a decent night's sleep. These days, I manage only a few hours of rest before being jolted awake. This is going to cause serious problems if I keep going like this. I might need to take some pills soon or I'll go crazy.

If I could just close my eyes for a short while, just a bit...

Just as I closed my eyes, fate had to fuck me over and make my phone ring.

I take my phone and see my father's name flash on the screen. Oh he actually remembered that he had a daughter?

I straighten up and answer the call. "Yes," I say, firm and to the point. "Where are you?" He immediately asks.

"Oh, my day was just fantastic, Dad," I reply in a sarcastic tone, laced with annoyance.

He doesn't say anything back, so I continue. "I'm in the jet on my way," I say in my usual emotionless tone. "Are you with someone?" He asks next. "No, in fact, I'm actually flying the jet right now," I say casually. "Fuck, I'm being serious here Saint. Are the two guards with you?"

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