Solar's Retaliation

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This is based on "Solar DESTROYS Moon in VRCHAT" on the Sun and Moon Show (YT), except he isn't alone when his Moon returns.

!!The art above is mine!!

TW: Panic Attack, Assault, Fictional Gore

Solar approached the portal, attempting to grab the foam donut from the top of a colorful play structure. If Sun saw it out of place, he'd probably scream. Solar chuckled at the thought. While he was jumping to reach it, the computer spoke.

"Solar? There is someone trying to come through the portal. Should I let it pass?"

"Hm. Okay, let it through."

Solar looked at the clock; December 15th, 11:32pm. He logged the date into his systems just in case. Jumping onto the island at the portal's front, he scanned sternly for any sign of a new entity. "Hopefully I won't need you..." He ran his fingers across the newly constructed plasma cannon in his arm. The portal whirred, and a moon-like figure landed on its face. In fact, this was definitely some other-dimensional version of Moon. Though it sounded similar, its voice was much more urgent and aggressive.

"There you are," it growled. Solar immediately recognized him.

"Oh. My Moon. Well, you made it here. Good job. You can just...turn back now." Moon pulled himself up, staring daggers at Solar.

"I'm not leaving until I skin you alive. Sun is DEAD!" Moon hissed. He attempted to grab Solar by the shirt, but the agile animatronic bolted out of the way and backed up against the castle-like wall behind them. Even though Solar was DEFINITELY more powerful in this situation, he couldn't help but feel...scared of his Moon? Sure, he caused Solar h*ll ever since the separation, and occasionally got physical, but Solar wasn't traumatized by him. "And I'm going to make you pay for it." Solar frantically swung behind the wall, backing away slowly.

"What's wrong? Is little 'Clipsy getting scared?"

"Oh, shut up. You don't know what you're getting involved in, Moon. Please leave. I really don't want to do this..." Solar spoke sternly, despite shaking to his core. Moon proceeded, approaching Solar with balled fists. The daycare doors cracked open, and Earth slid inside with their hand sleepily rubbing their eyes.

"Moon, what's going on in here? You're being really loud," she whined. It was surprising more people weren't hearing Moon's hollering. Perhaps everyone was deep in sleep; it was nearly midnight, after all. Solar ran to Earth and clung to her arm.


"That isn't Moon! It's my dimension's Moon."

Earth examined the new animatronic; he was covered in scuff marks and clearly hasn't slept in a while. He was staring at Solar, fire burning in his eyes.

"Awh, cowering Eclipse~? You truly are pathetic."

"Oh. That makes way more sense. Well, Solar's Moon!" She clapped her hands together cheerfully. "You seem to have malicious intentions--please stay a reasonable distance away."

"Shut up, you fat b****!" Moon snapped. Earth was awestruck. Pushing up his sleeves, Solar stepped in front of Earth and activated his plasma cannon. A turquoise glow filled Solar's arm as the cannon readied to fire.

"Go back and build your own d*mn legacy. This dimension isn't for your interference." Solar thundered.

"So you've bRaInWaShEd that brat into being your friend? That's how lonely you are, byproduct?" He stepped up to Solar, slowly lifting his hands.

Before Solar knew what had happened, he was on the floor with Earth at his side. His face stung like a thousand needles.

"You...hit me?"

"D*mn right!" Moon exclaimed, seeming proud of his action. "And I'll do much worse-"

Solar sprung up and tackled him, tightening his grip on Moon's frail neck. Earth could not break up the tension. She only paced back and forth, panicking and calling for Moon to come help. Moon's claw-like fingers dug into Solar's arms, cracking off paint and metal in large bits. Solar pressed his palm onto Moon's chest. The cannon activated and everything was painted in a bright white.

Solar sat up on the floor, gripping his sore arms. They'd been shredded into ribbons-not to mention his head was throbbing from being bashed by Moon's fist several times, and he was covered in other scratches and dents-but Moon was hurt. That's what mattered. Moon burst through the large doors, full of adrenaline after hearing the three's cries. Solar's Moon lay half dismantled on the floor. His right eye hung out of its socket, covered slightly by the lopsided nightcap on his head. Oil bled through his arms, chest, and legs.

"WHAT THE H*LL IS GOING ON?" Moon roared. Earth scrambled over to him to explain the situation and who the damaged animatronic was, as Moon was increasingly concerned. The broken Moondrop pushed himself up, hands shaking under his weight.


Solar began hyperventilating, finally realizing the intensity of what had happened. His only remaining brother. Solar has killed both of his brothers. Moon may be an *ssh*le, but he wasn't like that before...the separation changed everything.

"Solar, are you okay?!" Earth cried. Solar didn't realize it for a long while, but he was in a trembling ball on the floor, drops of oil running down his face as he took panicked breaths, not giving him enough air to breathe. He didn't want to cry, especially around his family, but he couldn't help it. "Breathe, Solar!"

"€\ïp§¥!" Moon tormented him, despite being on the brink of death.

Solar hurt. Physically and mentally. He would need repairs from Parts and Services...but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered at the moment. Solar was too focused on his Moon, watching as they fell apart. He should feel glad for finally getting back at Moon...but it just didn't feel right. The old Moon, caring and gentle, had to still be there. It just didn't seem like Solar would be able to do anything about it...not after this.

Moon walked up to Solar's weakened Moon, kneeling down and looking at him.

"Earth, please take Solar somewhere safe. Get him fixed up. For the time being, I will deal with this...heap of sh*t." He poked Solar's Moon on the nose, causing them to nip at Moon's finger like a mangy animal. Earth offered Solar a hand, but he lifted himself up, sniffing and wiping tears away. A hand was placed on Solar's shoulder as Earth tried to lead him out, but he stayed still, facing Moon. Words finally managed to leave his mouth.

"Moon..?" Both of the crescent animatronics turned towards Solar, curiosity lighting up their faces. Hesitation filled Solar, but he continued. "Please-if you can-keep him alive. For now, at least..." he muttered. Moon tilted his head in confusion, but nodded. It's only right that Solar gets the final say in this-no matter how much he wanted to tear the remains of this b*st*rd into little scraps.

At last Solar turned back to Earth, who was running her fingers along his rays. A glare was all it took to make them awkwardly draw back.

"I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I thought it would make you feel better," she said apologetically. In spite of the immense pain and sorrow he felt, Earth managed to place a soft smile on Solar's face. Together, they walked out of the daycare.


Just to clarify, there are no ships in this. Remember that if you think this story should be continued, give me a heads up! I would love to find a fun way to twist and turn this into a happy ending 😊

Have a fantastic day/evening!

(1286 words)

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