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Sunny Boi is angsty 💅🏻This story also has some fluff!

TW: Panic attack, taunting, bl00d


The daycare was spotless after four hours of Sun's cleaning. He definitely had OCD, but he's fine with that. In the end, it just means he can do a fantastic job of cleaning. Moon was speechless as he looked around.

"Well, I think that does it. I'm officially satisfied with how this place looks! Even though I'll have to clean it again tomorrow..." Sun shivered at the thought, fueled by both adrenaline and anxiety for the next cleaning.

"Wait- you. SUN. Satisfied? I've never heard of that," Moon grinned at his brother, crossing his arms and sneering. Sun wasn't pleased.

"Do you take me for Angelica Schuyler? I'm satisfied with how the place looks," Sun pouted. Nonetheless, he wrapped his arm around his brother and gave him a noogie, digging his fist into Moon's hat. "Goofball."

"Well, if you're actually done, maybe it's time you go home and rest," Moon said, "I'll be working for a few more minutes."

"Sounds good. Goodnight, brother!" Sun let go of him, waving as he walked to a teleporter and vanished.


The large estate towered over Sun. They really didn't need all the space, but who knows what else they'd go through? Maybe some extra rooms are nice. Sun walked along the twisting paths leading to the house. Reaching the door, he fumbled with keys to unlock it. As soon as he opened the door, his two cats were waiting for him.

"Hi buddy!" He gently rubbed one of the cats on the head, causing it to purr. The other cat rubbed against him, but Sun pulled it off. "You'll get your pets when you make up for knocking over a $30 bottle of wine," Sun said sassily. The cats meowed before skittering off to cause more chaos. A sigh of exhaustion left Sun's mouth as he slumped on the couch.

"You know what? I'm gonna watch our show again. A nice way to wrap up the evening!" They stood up, walking to the television and going to their channel, the Sun and Moon Show. They clicked on one of the gaming episodes and lay down.


"I can't believe it took that long to get a yellow," Sun remarked, watching the recording of himself scream at a game of Uno. No wonder people find his anger so entertaining.

"Yellow man couldn't get a yellow card?" A gravelly, bass voice came from behind him. Sun turned, seeing the red-painted killer skulking towards him.

"Oh. Haven't seen you in a while, Bloodmoon..." Sun was too tired to deal with the hallucination taunting him. He paused the video. "I thought I was done with you when your body was rebuilt."

"We haven't gotten our vengeance..." A different voice came from Bloodmoon, softer yet just as menacing. "...now, we have the chance."

"Still won't give up the rhyming game, huh?" Sun rubbed his eyes. No response came; Bloodmoon locked his eyes on a bottle of red wine. They snatched the bottle, clawing out the cork and taking a drink. "Oh, I wouldn't-"

It was too late, as Bloodmoon downed the entire bottle. Their face went sour before dropping the bottle and sticking out their tongue. The glass bottle shattered on the floor.


"Hold on," Sun questioned the interaction. "How could you taste that?" Bloodmoon grinned, turning their head towards Sun.

"You don't need to know that, star man. All you need to know is you are not safe anymore." A series of chuckles left Bloodmoon, yet Sun was unresponsive. Uneasiness still grew in Sun's body as he grew closer and closer to snapping. "Mr. Murderer is too stupid to understand."

"You know...I really wish I could've helped you...I would have loved to call you my brother..." Bloodmoon's chuckling turned to hysterical laughter once Sun spoke.

"HAHAH! YOU- YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT!" They fell onto the floor in their laughter, rolling around like a playful dog. Sun could feel his face heating up. He could no longer hold his anger.

"SHUT UP!" He picked up a lamp and threw it in Bloodmoon's direction. They stopped laughing but stood up, brushing off glass.

"You are being consumed by your own hatred~ soon, you'll be just like us again!" Bloodmoon beckoned, tugging at Sun's rays. He leaped over the couch's back, trying to land on Bloodmoon but instead hitting the cold floor. He sat up and held his sore, bleeding face. Bloodmoon could hardly stop laughing-except for when they began choking from laughing too hard. "Truly naïve." Sun felt trapped, suffocating in mortification and rage. "This has been fun, sunny coward. We will return for more of this circus show later. Have fun being miserable! As per usual." The voices said in unison before dissipating.

"Jesus..." Sun looked at the blood dripping down his hand. Now that Bloodmoon left, he could calm down. But for some reason, his breathing only does up. In an instant, he was hyperventilating. Why was he so afraid? Bloodmoon wasn't here anymore. There was no reason to panic. Yet for no reason at all, Sun was getting choked up and was grabbing at his neck. Tears formed in his eyes. He heard the front door creak into an open position. The next thing he was able to focus on was the gentle hand of Moon grabbing his shoulder, pulling him up and against the kitchen island.

"Brother? What happ-...Are you alright?" Their crimson eyes danced across Sun, looking for any injuries besides his bleeding face. Sun wrapped his arms around them.

"I just...I saw Bloodmoon again, he was getting on my nerves I couldn't I-" Moon hugged Sun back.

"Okay...wouldn't expect Bloodmoon to still be bothering you, especially since they're rebuilt...uh, why is your face damaged?"

"I was angry, I tried attacking but I fell through them..." He took sharp breaths through his cries. Moon let go of Sun, kneeled in front of him.

"Alright. I'll be right back, okay? While I'm in the other room, I want you to breathe slowly. In for 3, out for 3. You got that?" Sun slowly nodded.

Moon speed-walked upstairs, and he held his arms. In for 3, out for 3...his breathing slowed. Wiping tears with the palm of his hand, he sniffed. Moon reappeared after a moment with a towel. He handed it to Sun, who scrubbed away the oil on his face and hands. Moon carefully and skillfully patched the injury.

"Thank you brother...I'm tired...can I go to bed?" he mumbled. Moon smiled, picking him up and carrying him. Sun was set into bed, and Moon sneered at the room's pride flag before turning off the lights.

"I'll talk with you in the morning, if you don't mind. For the moment, I love you brother, goodnight." Moon said, closing the door.


I hope this was entertaining and not awkward- anyways, thank you for reading, and have a good day/evening.

Also happy 2 year anniversary to the Sun and Moon Show :0

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