Act 4: Love or Death

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3 days after the incident in the docks. The news is all over it. People talking about it nonstop. Things are changing.

One of them is Noah. After seeing his girlfriend slaughtered all the armed men in the docks, along with Mr. Chen Feng, he hasn't talked to her or even seen her.

Amaya sees him but instead of talking to him, she vanished and left him contemplating what he saw.

Noah spends his days alone. He goes to work and just do what he mostly does. Like a machine doing what it's supposed to do. Without any other meaning whatsoever. Noah feels empty inside. What he discovered, he has many questions that demanded answers, but unfortunately he can't get one. All he know is what he saw.

He remembers the girl who visited him in the hospital. The girl who tols him the truth. Aiko, the young girl who showed up and vanished in thin air.

Why did she told him about Amaya? How did she know where Amaya would be at that time. Is she really saying the truth or was she trying to manipulate him? Noah tries to understand his feelings for Amaya. He knows he deeply loves her even though they only spend some time with each other. But now he feels fear. Threatened even. Did he just enter a danger zone? Did he find himself in a place where he should not poke his nose in?

"Hey man, are you alright?" His coworker asks him. Noah looks at his buddy who looks a bit puzzled.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine man. What happened? Did you have another break up? You know chicks in this island is like waves in the sea. They come at you like a majestic force but then they slide back out and leave you while taking a part of you like the sand being dragged back by the sea."

"Jesus man, you're deep. Where the heck did you get that idea?" Noah surprised by his buddy's words. He managed to show a hint of smile from the simple humor he found from what he heard.

"Uh I read books you know."

"Really? I haven't seen you with one."

"On my phone dumbass. E-books man. E-books."

"Okay nerd. I thought you were only interested in women."

"Oh I am Noah. But they aren't as interested in me as I am with them. But at least my E-books keeps me entertained eh. Okay so what's up with you man? You've been so quiet lately."

"Nothing man. Just a lot in my mind, that's all."

"Care to tell me about it?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Hah! Try me."

Noah looks at his coworker. The man is smiling with enthusiasm but Noah knows he won't fully grasp the situation if he did share the truth. Even he himself could not understand it all. He shrugs it off and just ignores his conversation with his coworker.


On the other side of the island, the remaining members of Mr. Feng's organization is left leaderless. The sub leaders showed in a meeting. A meeting inside one of Mr. Feng's largest storage buildings. Six leaders show up along with Liang Tao. The man whom Chen Feng trusted his dirty deeds.

All leaders are accompanied by their men. All of them armed. The atmosphere in the building is like a water about to boil. Things aren't looking good.

"Why the fuck did you think you can take over the organization once the boss is gone Liang? You're just like one of us!" A member of the six angrily calls to Liang.

"Why the hell not? I'm his right hand man. It is only fitting that I will cover his ass once he kicks the bucket." Liang smiles confidently. He's holding an apply and slicing it with a switchblade while sitting on the hood of his expensive red sports car.

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