~Chapter 4~

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Destiny's POV

I look up and see a boy with blonde hair and blue...wait his eyes! They where red irises with blood dripping down on to his face! HE WAS BEN DROWNED! My inner fan girl was trying to take over but I pushed it to the side and stood up. He was a little shorter than me, so I had to kind of bend my head at an angle to look at him. I smiled and asked "who are you?" He replied in a monotone voice "My name is Ben and my boss sent me here to take you back to my place so you could talk to him." I looked uneasy, "well my sister and I just got out of school and she is hurt pretty badly and I dont think she can walk." Ben sighed and walked over to where Hope was still sitting under the oak tree and picked her up bridal style and walked back to me. "Ready to go?" He asked I sighed and followed him deeper into the woods.

Yay she met Ben! We will see what happens in the next chapter! ---->

- Russian_Killer

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