119. Rescue

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"Javi, I need to borrow the jet." Aaliyah said as she walked into his office

"For what?"

"I need to go to Austin." She said as he sighed and sat back in his seat a bit
"She's my sister Javi, I'm gonna be there for her like I promised."

"Ok, well when do you need it?"

"Tomorrow." She cringed as he looked at her with a straight face

"Well I'm sorry babe that's not enough time for me to get somebody out there."

"What about you? You can go with me."

"I have some new deals I'm closing tomorrow so I won't be able to go."

"I'll go with her." Joaquin said as Javi looked and ignored him

"Rafael, would you go with Liyah tomorrow to Austin." Javi said to Rafael

"Sure thing man."

"Now wait just a minute Javier, I volunteered to go, why skip me and give it to him?"

"You Key, don't respect boundaries. You're my brother and I love you very much, just not enough where I will leave Aaliyah in a room with you alone."

"Oh come on man, that was seven years ago, and you say it all the time how fine your wife is. I've grown since then, you can trust me now."

"I'm so glad you changed but it's still a no."

"Don't worry about it Key, would you like to come along with me for the ride?" Rafael asked

"Yes I would love to come along, and thank you for inviting me." Joaquin said while looking at Javi

"Don't worry about him, I'll make sure he stays in line the entire time." Rafael said to Javi

"Great so I got Rafael and Joaquin coming with me, even better."

"Aaliyah, I'm all for you helping your sister out, really I am, but just remember that this ultimately has nothing to do with you. This is your sister's marriage, not yours so would you please promise me not to get involved in their marital affairs." Javi said while looking at Aaliyah

"Alright I promise."

"I'm serious Aaliyah, I don't want you to get overly involved into something that doesn't involve you to begin with."

"I'm only going for emotional support, she needs someone by her side and I'm going to be there for her, that's all I'm doing."

"So this sister of yours, what does she do for living?" Joaquin asked as they were on their way to Felicia's house

"She's a nurse."

"That's a good paying job, nice benefits and everything. Is she going to be a doctor soon?"

"No, she's happy with nursing and she said she didn't want to go through another four to six years in school again, which I can understand."

"How many years is she older than you?" Rafael asked

"Seven years."

"Does she know about us?" Joaquin asked as he glanced back at Aaliyah

"Sort of, she doesn't really know the extent of it all but she's aware."

"You think she'll be scared of us?"

"You and Rafael not really, but Javi on the other hand, she's terrified. Sean and Demetria didn't make it any better so now I have to convince her that everything is okay and she can relax."

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