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I woke up to my loud ass alarm in my ear I wasn't as mad as I would be because when I picked up my phone it said first day of UA I freaked jumping out of my bed and getting changed. School starts at 9 but 1. I did not want to be late 2.i had to ride the train which is 30 min and 3. I live 30 min away from the train. So I don't think I was being dramatic.

By the time I was done with showering, taking my headache meds from my quirk, getting dress and my school bag ready it was already 7:45. I rushed downstairs grabbed a piece of toast put on my shoes and ran out the door.

On my way to the train station I saw a green haired boy with the same uniform as me walking to the trains too. I was thinking about saying hi but I don't like talking to people most of the time so I just let it be.

At 8:30 u was already on the bus we were about 10 min away from my stop which was strange because usually there are more people causing me to be way behind on schedule.

When we got there it was now 8:40 so there was time UA was only a 5 min walk away so I would have time to find my class and get situated.

I walk in to the front gates is awe it was huge! And the door were also probably for people with quirks that make them larger than most people.

As I was walking I had bumped into this girl she had soft brown hair, very pink cheeks and she was slightly taller than me.

"Ah! I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" I said apologetically. "OH no no it ok are you ok tho you took a pretty hard fall if I had seen you sooner I would have bought you! The brunette said then quickly helped me up and added "I'm ochaco uaraka and you are?" She held out her hand and I took it shaking her hand.

"I'm y/n l/n nice to meet you!" We continue to talk as we walk into the school we soon found out we were both in class 1A so we walked to class together.

We got to the tall double doors opening them. The first thing we are created with is yelling which made my headache worse. There was this blue haired guy yelling at another boy who had ashy blonde hair.

They were fighting because the blonde guy had his feet on the desk." Ha! Did your old school shove a stick up your ass or were you born that way!" The blonde said which seemed to piss off the blue haird boy.

Not long after we turn around to see a yellow- beanbag!? It was infact a bean bag. A man unzipped it a little and took out a apple sauce pouch drinking it. He had long black hair with scars under his eyes. "I'm your teacher mister aizawa.." the man said everyone was shocked!

After all of that he took us to the changing rooms where we go into our training uniforms. Mr. Aizawa took us to a big room that was empty but it looked like a training room.

"In here each student will show me and the class there quirk you say what it's called give a small description and give us a demonstration" mr.aizawa said he sounded tired.

He when down a few names till he called a name tenya lida and the blue haired boy when up explaining his quirk was engine and then ran around really fast.

A few others passed then there was a girl Mina ashido she had pink skin and yellowish horns she kinda looked like an alien it was cool. She explained her quirk was acid and shot acid from her hands.

The next one called was a boy with red hair his name was ejiro kirishima and his quirk was hardening and hardend his whole body which was cool.

Some time later shouto todoroki was called he had hair half red half white and his eyes were 2 colors also one brown/Grey and the other blue (I think).
His quirk was fire and ice.

Then ochako the girl from earlier was called and hers was uravity she could make things weightless from a single touch but she threw up after.

Then denki kaminari  was called a boy with yellow hair with a lightning bolt his was electricity. Then a boy named hanita sero he had black hair and his elbow were thick but he could shoot tape out of them.

Then that guy with ash blonde hair was called his name was katsuki bakugou and his quirk explosions she sweats nitroglycerin and can make explosions with it which was super fucking cool.

"Y/n l/n your up next" and it was suddenly my turn....


Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed and if you did support me by voting please and following me I follow back BTW!

Word count ^886^ have a great day/night drink water and eat! ♡♡

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