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Tw: eating disorder, some strong language, semi-anxiety

As I walked up to the front my anxity struck I was super nervous what if they hate me or think my quirks are lame. I pushed that all aside and just sucked it up.

"Well um.. I have two quirks" my classmates were shocked and I wasn't surprised by that most people are. "The first one is called shadow whip I can make a whip like shadow and blade that are super sharp" I demonstrate that the making a whip and whiping a medium sized bolder in half. "Bus it works better in dark I can also see in the dark but the more light the more dull the whip and blade are"

The room was filled with oohs and ahs they seem impressed and Mr. Aizawa.

"My second quirk is called dream scape I can't really show you but I can explain it when I touch someone on there temples and can access there mind I can make them have dreams and nightmare and I'm gather with the information of there fears and phobias and the desires ext but if I'm fighting so.eoen and they hurt me in the dream world that injury will be the Same in the real world" Mr. Aizawa was impressed and let me go back and called the rest of the students.

Ochaco ran up to me and was shocked and impressed by my quirks "that was so cool y/n I never knew you had 2 quirks I bet you will be an amazing hero!" I smiled at her compliments and praise "thank you ochaco-san, and I bet you will also be a great hero!".

After that was over Mr. Aizawa took us back to class and we changed into our normal uniform. We then continued with normal class activities and what not.

A few hours later the lunch bell rung. We went to the cafeteria and got lunch. Ochaco let me sit with he and her two other friends izuku and lida. A few moments later todoroki came over and asked to sit with us. He ended up sitting with us.

I looked at my food stomch turning. I've always had trouble eating like this morning I ended up throwing the toast away. My parents starve me most of the time and calls me fat and overweight. So I now have very bad body and eating issues.

Ochaco-San must have noticed because she looked at me worried and asked if I was OK and why I wasn't eating. Of course I wasn't going to tell her why so I just made up a lie "oh yeah I'm OK just had a big breakfast haha.." I laugh nervously but thankfully she decided to ignore it and smiled at me continued to eat and talk with us.

After lunch we all made it back to the class room since we have 30 mins to ourselves. I just sit alone at my deku which was actually next to bakugous.

I looked up to see bakugou looking at me I was confused he looked like he was trying to figure me out. I pushed it aside as 30 mins were over and we continued with class.

It was now 5:50pm it was also the end of the day I packed up my stuff said bye to ochaco, lida, izuku and todoroki. I was walking to the trains and I saw a pike of spiky ash blone hair...oh it was bakugou I guess he rides my train huh. I got on the train and waited for my stop.

It eventually came and I got off walking to my Neighborhood. I make it to my house quietly making my way in so I don't wake my dad up.

I made it up to my room closing the door. Luckily I had a bathroom that connects to my room. We have a nice house, it was my grandmother's and we got it in her will when she passed.

She was the only one who protected me from my parents and now she was gone.

I go to my bathroom and turn on my shower. (The picture above has your shower,bed,hammock/chill spot, and desk)

After my shower I got in a Macha green oversized hoodie and some boxers/shorts. I set my alarm, took my meds and went to bed. At least tried to I didn't sleep much I had adhd so my brain wouldn't shut off but eventually it did and I passed out....


Thanks for reading if you enjoyed this chapter please vote and consider following me I follow back and I hope all of you drink water, eat and have a wonderfull night/day
Don't forget we love you

Word count ^802^ ( '∀')


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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