Chapter 1: crying in my house

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Alyssa wept freely. Her boyfriend had left her. Left her for another woman. Her best friend, Dorris. It was horrible! She saw all their awful, awful instagram stories, and wept even harder.
It was 3 in the afternoon, and she still hadn't left her bed. She just didn't care anymore. Nothing mattered. But she pulled herself out of bed anyway.
She walked the length of her one room apartment in about 5 seconds, reaching the kitchen and started making herself an avocado toast. She smashed the avocado with her hammer. It was crushed just like her relationship with Brad. She toasted the bread, burning it. Just like her happy perceptions of Brad. She buttered the toast, which she couldn't connect to Brad. Then she put it all together just before she broke down crying once more. Everything reminded her of Brad.
She devoured the now salty avocado toast after finishing her crying session. She looked at the time. 4:20.
Alyssa walked backwards for a step and sat down on her couch. She started flipping through Netflix to find something she liked. Nothing stood out to her. It was all meaningless. Everything. She began weeping again.
Her phone began to ring. She looked at the name and saw it was her best friend: Shadowpurple Mongoose.
"Hey girlfriend! How's it popping?" Shadowpurple Mongoose's deep baritone voice vibrated the phone in Alyssa's hand.
"I'm fine," she managed to say before bursting into tears.
"You do not sound 'fine' you need to come out with us! Eat some food!" Shadowpurple Mongoose exclaimed. The phone jumped out of Alyssa's hand and fell onto the floor.
"Meet us at the mall at 6," Shadowpurple Mongoose whispered.
Alyssa started weeping again.

Before she went out, she needed to change into the latest fashionable outfits. First, she slid into a long metal pipe. Then, tied her feet to her hands by two string. That way whenever she lifted her hands, her feet lifted along with them. Then, she put on a neck brace which kept her neck and back straight. And then to top off the outfit she put on a bald cap. Got to cover up all that nasty hair!
Finally, Alyssa examined herself in the mirror. I don't need Brad, she thought to herself. He's useless, and a horrible man to boot. All he wanted to do was post on his LinkedIn account. He thought it would get him prestige, but, jokes on him, it didn't!
Sighing, she left her one room apartment at 5:40. But as she did, a drone appeared before her.
"REPORT BUSINESS." It droned robotically at you.
"I'm just going out with my friend, Shadowpurple Mongoose'" Alyssa complained.
"Oh, I forgot." Alyssa pulled out her ANTI HAPPY pills and took one. It did not make her happy, as advertised. She loved her ANTI HAPPY PILLS. She also loved the government.
"GOODBYE." She watched as the drone flew away.
"Adios," she shouted at the drone. It was always good to be nice to the government officials.

"This is a delicious meal, Shadowpurple Mongoose. Thank you for taking me out." The two of them sat together underneath a large umbrella, in front of a cute cafe.
"No problem, bestie!" Shadowpurple Mongoose's baritone voice shook the whole building. "I'm so glad you left that fool Brad. He was such a bad influence on your life."
Shadowpurple Mongoose looked brilliant in the metal pipe Shadowpurple Mongoose was wearing. Shadowpurple Mongoose looked around worriedly back after drinking Shadowpurple Mongoose's wine, and spoke.
"Honestly, Brad isn't the only reason I decided to invite you out." Shadowpurple Mongoose seemed to be worried, but Alyssa wasn't sure about what. The world under the government was so fantastic! Everyone lived in peace and prosperity, and no one worthwhile was ever harmed. It was perfect.
"I need to go away for a time. While I'm gone, I'd like you to have this." Shadowpurple Mongoose handed Alyssa a slip of paper. She opened it up to see a list of numbers and letters.
"If you ever need any help with anything, feel free to go to this address. A couple of friends of mine live there, and they owe me lots and lots of favors."
"I'll make sure to do that at some point." Alyssa was a bit confused. "With all that jazz out of the way, you know what we are going to do next?"  Mongoose smiled haughtily.
"You'll see."
The two of them paid their bill, and left the restaurant. They joined the crowds of people roaming the open plaza, their metal pipes blending in with the others to create a sea of moving steel.
The evening light created the perfect atmosphere for a stroll. They left the plaza and wandered down the boulevard, aimlessly browsing through the stall's wares.
Alyssa felt uncomfortable, however. Like there was someone watching them. Men, wearing slightly strange metal pipes, crowding at the edge of her vision. But when she looked, they were gone. But then...!?!?!
A small cylinder clattered to a stop at Alyssa's feet.
"GET AWAY!" Shadowpurple Mongoose screamed at Alyssa and sprang away as the canister began to spit out green smoke.
And as the gas entered her body, Alyssa had a different reason to weep that day.

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