Chapter 2: Stumbling through the fog

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The cloud enveloped her, blocking everything out with a uniform green. Sweat began flowing from her pores, dripping down her body and covering the insides of her metal pipe with a thin sheen of liquid. The sweat dried up in a couple of second and her skin began to burn, like she had been set on fire and assaulted by a swarm of wasps and dunked in a cat of acid and electrocuted over and over again, all at the same time.
She stumbled through the smoke, the world blank before her. Tears flowed freely from her eyes, half of them from protecting them from the smoke, and the other half in fear.
This surely must have been an attack from the dissidents. The aptly named "Evil Rebels" were a rebel group that aspired to overthrow the government. They were the scum of society, killing women and children, spreading disease and burning houses. They were an ever present specter hovering over their peaceful nation, poised to strike at all times.
BANG. Alyssa heard a crack from in front of her, followed by a scream that echoed through her ears.
She scrambled away from the noise, but from all around her the same sound rang out, again and again. The rhythmic cracking filled the air, always accompanied by the sound of sorrow.
Alyssa tried to keep her voice down, but failed. Her wails surely attracted the attention of the rebels, but she couldn't stop them from coming out
A large hand was clamped over her mouth and she was pulled away. She tried to see who it was, but the hand held her head in place.
"You need to be quiet now." Shadowpurple Mongoose whispered quietly into her ear. Alyssa relaxed immediately. As long as she was with Shadowpurple Mongoose, everything would be a-ok.
Shadowpurple Mongoose, still holding her mouth shut, by the way, began to pull her along, and while she was being pulled along by Shadowpurple Mongoose, she could focus more on what was going on around her, even though her mouth was still shut, she was able to use the other 4 senses available to her, though she couldn't use taste, which crippled her.
In the mist she could see shadows, blurry shapes wandering without purpose. A light flashed before her and there was a crack. One of the figures went down.
After a long trek, surrounded by the sounds of battle, they reached their supposed destination. Shadowpurple Mongoose shoved Alyssa gently behind a car and said; "stay here and don't make a sound." Shadowpurple Mongoose then turned to leave.
"Wait!" Alyssa whispered. "What about you?"
"I am whom they hath come here for. You shall be safer out of my presence, I swear it!" As Shadowpurple Mongoose's huge figure lumbered away, she got the feeling she wouldn't see that shape in a long time. Nonsense, she thought, at the time!!! It was not nonsense!!!
Alyssa watched as the shadows in the fog began to gather, circling Shadowpurple Mongoose.
"COME AND ASSAIL ME!" Shadowpurple Mongoose roared at Shadowpurple Mongoose's assailants. The circle began to close in, but slowly and cautiously.
Shadowpurple Mongoose leaned back and barreled forwards at one of the shadows. Shadowpurple Mongoose swung a backhand, hard. The shadow disappeared into the distance. And with that, a wolf was among sheep. But the sheep had teeth. Sharp pointy teeth. Not the teeth of prey, but of predators. Teeth used... to eat meat.
That strike has broken the shadows out of their stupor, and small metal wires began to shoot out from the mist. They latched themselves onto Shadowpurple Mongoose's metal pipe, dozens upon dozens of them biting into the steel.
Shadowpurple Mongoose charged at the nearest figure, Shadowpurple Mongoose's hand formed into a fist. Many of the wires ripped from the metal pipe, but most were buried to deep, and more kept piling and piling on.
Looming over one of the shadows, Shadowpurple Mongoose had become a shadow, living up to the name Shadowpurple Mongoose. Who could have imagined that?
A crackling filled the air, and Alyssa's hair stood up. The metal lines flickered blue, and
Shadowpurple Mongoose fell onto the ground. The current kept streaming through, and Shadowpurple Mongoose bellowed before finally falling silent.
A radio scratched, and a sinister voice said; "He's down. Let's get out of here." The shadows shuffled around and began dragging away Shadowpurple Mongoose, who now formed a large lump on the ground.
The radio scratched again and the voice continued.
"Leave no survivors. Kill everyone here.
Suddenly, and unexpectedly, something strange undoubtedly occurred.
A wave of force pushed away all the green gas. The previously shrouded road was laid bare for all to see. The shadows, those who had hiding their crimes within, were now seen.
The police's uniforms blew in the wind, the pair of shackles down into all their jackets flapping along with it. They held rifles in their hands. Not handguns, no, full on assault rifles.
Alyssa could see the road, scattered with the corpses of the officer's victims. Some people still stood around, stunned and crying. But they weren't what the police were focusing on (at the moment) They were staring in the direction of where the shockwave had originated.
And the road dissolved into chaos. From the shockwave epicenter spilled a multitude of people. They were not dressed in metal pipes, but some sort of standardized cloth garments covering all the regions that were covered by metal pipes in the average man or woman. In their hands they held weapons, not just guns but sharp cutting implements and large sticks used for the purpose of bashing. The horde of Evil Rebels began charging at the police.
A single woman ran ahead of the charging mass, with a strange vest strapped to her chest. The police focused their fire on the woman, but she nimbly dodged all their attacks. Alyssa could swear, through the noise, that she was laughing.
The woman reached the police line and burst apart. Alyssa ducked back behind the car in time to dodge all the shards of debris and human bits flying in all directions.
The suicidal woman's distraction provided ample opportunity for the terrorists to close in on the police.
From where Alyssa was, she could only see the backs of the police force, and the faces of the Evil Rebels. Their crazed, almost euphoric expressions terrified her.
The officers fired into the horde, laying down many of the terrorists in a sea of splurting blood. Alas, the rebels had gotten too close for the guns to be viable. Many of them turned to fighting with the butts and stocks of their rifles.
Suddenly, an officer fell backwards. Then another. Their steadfast line, order pushing back against chaos, was crumbling. But it seemed to be a localized event. Only in one area had the killings occurred. Everywhere else the front held, and even pushed forwards to the point where the isolated crumbling was surrounded on three sides.
She watched with bated breath. Who was so competent that they were able to kill so many men in just a couple seconds? The answer to that question revealed itself.
The most beautiful man Alyssa had ever seen somersaulted over the head of a police officer. The man swung a long stick of wood around, cracking one of the ends against the policeman's back. He crumpled to the ground in a heap.
The handsome rebel raised up his long stick, lean muscles flexing as he began to beat in the man's head.
Alyssa watched with bated breath as the man showed off his skills. The way he swung that long stick evoked a torrent of emotions inside her. The terrorist made an art of bludgeoning people to death. Every swing, calculated to deal the most amount of damage and pain. For some reason Alyssa wished that she was the one underneath the beautiful rebel's staff. A tel wonderful she had witnessed.
She shook herself out of her stupor. "I need to get out of here!" She thought she thought to herself. It turns out she hadn't thought that to herself, but had instead had spoke it aloud.
While mentally preparing herself to run, Alyssa found herself lying on the ground, head spinning.
She turned over to see what ailed her.
A police officer cast a shadow over top of her, a menacing monolith. His upper face was shadowed by a visor, leaving only a harsh mouth curled in a derisive grin.
Alyssa found herself staring down the barrel of a gun. All of her thoughts fled, leaving only panic
ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE the little voice in her head yelled.
"Die, Slag!" The police officer muttered. He then fell onto her.
She yelped, pushing him off of her. He slumped onto his side, clearly unconscious.
The handsome and glorious rebel stood over her. His long stick was outstretched to Alyssa. She grabbed it and tried to pull herself up. However the long stick was slick with blood, and she was knocked back down.
"You should get out of here." The beautiful terrorist's voice shook Alyssa. Mellow, but with a pitch to it, she was thrown off guard and simply stared at the angel, the apparition from heaven.
A smack to the head with a staff woke her up. Alyssa scrambled to her feet and saluted. "Yes, sir, thank you sir," she squealed. She began running away.
It was not until she tripped over a corpse did she realize she had ran straight into the middle of a field of corpses.
She was about to shout but managed to hold it in. She muttered sorry to the dead body, dressed in civilian clothes, before getting up again.
"That's stupid," she said aloud. "Corpses are dead. They can't accept apologies."
All though the area where she was running had no fighting currently, she could hear the sounds of fighting behind her.
But Alyssa didn't look back. She just ran on and on... and on... and on... and on... and on.........

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