Lost and Alone

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Alyssa sat, back to the wall, with nothing. Literally. She had tried going back to her house but now there was a hole in the neighborhood, a hole where her house had been. It was just... gone.
Having nowhere to go, she had wandered the streets until she had found the alleyway, shaded from the elements by a bedsheet strung high above between two balconies.
Now, with a place to rest, the events of the day came crashing down on her shoulders.
Shadowpurple Mongoose was most likely dead, but for what, she didn't know. It was crazy, the Government just coming in and killing all those people. Completely unbelievable! She could trust in the government! She was sure it had to have been the terrorists behind it.
But then, why did that evil policeman try and kill her? If he was keeping the peace and serving the people, then why was he trying to harm her, a member of the people?
Shadowpurple Mongoose must have been a terrorists, then. An evil revolutionary, murdering and pillaging their way through society. But isn't that what the government had done? Why did they seek to kill Shadowpurple Mongoose in such a cloak and dagger way?
Alyssa could see where this line of questioning would take her, and it was not good.
But she kept thinking. This thinking, this pondering, if you will, is all that kept her from using her brainpower to think about other things. Namely, the other things that had happened that day, eg, The beautiful man.
Never before had she seen the image of God painted on the human canvas. He was Adonis, sent down from Olympus to live amongst the mortals. Every man paled in comparison, his natural glow outshining that of every other man's constructed one.
Alyssa would do anything to see that man again. Anything, including but not limited to: arson, robbery, theft, fraud, breaking and entering, assault with or without a deadly weapon, all degrees of murder, jaywalking kidnapping, and even treason! How sad that if she were to actually commit those crimes, no one would show up but the police.
Treason was a big deal, she knew, but after her experience it didn't seem to matter. Even though she had placed amongst such as deeds as murder and kidnapping, it didn't really belong there.
They killed Shadowpurple Mongoose without arrest or trial, hiding from the public as they had hidden underneath their own gas. What was stopping them from coming to kill her?
All those crimes had victims. The woman you have murdered, the man you have burgled. But treason?
Alyssa's watch began ringing and she cursed. "Time to take my GOVERNMENT APPROVED ANTI HAPPY PILLS!" She rummaged around in her pipe's pocket. Nothing. Fiddlesticks.
But, then again, why should she take them?


Alyssa woke up to a boot in the face.
"Get up!" She heard a harsh voice say.
"Get up, you dog!" Another kick was aimed at her, but she managed to scramble up and out of the way.
A policeman stood over her, his black baton gripped in a leather glove. His face was covered with a black visor, except for a mouth sneered in contempt.
"On your feet."
Alyssa has no choice but to obey him.
"Listen closely." He brought his face close to hers, and she flinched back. His breath stank.
"If I see you again ever, I will kill you. No one will care about the disappearance of a nobody, and people know not to ask questions. No one will come looking for you." He laughed maliciously. "Now get out of here."
He stepped back and cracked his baton against the side of her face.
Alyssa lay on the floor for a moment before scrambling away. She didn't want to risk ever running into that monster again.
She ran out from the alley onto the big street. She ducked and weaved through the crowd, trying to get as far as possible from the cop.
In one moment, everything had changed. Alyssa had once sat high upon the social totem pole, leering down at those who she had seen as inferior. But within the span of one day, she had become one of those people.
Those that she passed wrinkled their noses and made way. Some even pushed her out of the way, deeming her pushable, apparently. Stop, she wanted to say. I'm one of you. I'm different. But now she wasn't certain. The fortunate and unfortunate were both human. They breathed the same air, had the same skin, ate food. The only difference was their status, their class. And for Alyssa the reason for that was very clear.
And so she forged on, clutching on that slip of paper, decided on an issue that had been plaguing her mind for hours. While she was loathe to trust anything Shadowpurple Mongoose had given her, she had no other options. Besides, the evil rebels were against the government, and the enemy of your enemy is your friend, right? Right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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