Chapter 5

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It had been about a day since news of Yuji's death had passed. Now waking up, he finds himself in an unfamiliar ceiling before an unfamiliar TV. He looked around the room and tried to figure out where he was. Unfortunately for him, he hadn't a clue.

"Hey, I see you're back to normal, no Sukuna here," joked Satoru.

"Ah, sensei! Where am I? Am I going to die?"

Satoru laughed at Yuji's panicked face, "Relax. I just teleported you over when you fell asleep. You're going to be training here to control your cursed energy."

Once Satoru was done talking, a familiar head popped out behind him.

"Heya. How's your body holding up?"

"Now that you mention it, I feel great. I feel like I can lift a boulder even! What's going on?"

Despite waking up in a suspicious-looking room, Yuji's great physical state made him feel over the moon. Satoru and Rimuru felt relieved at him showing so much energy. Rimuru moved closer to Yuji and patted him on the back.

"You're surprisingly adapting to Sukuna's cursed energy pretty well. That's probably what's giving you so much energy right now." Rimuru patted down Yuji from head to toe, making Yuji feel nervous for a moment.

"Well said, Rimuru. Taking that into account, Yuji, it's best if you learn how to feel and control cursed energy now."

"Yes! When do I start?"

"Right now."

"Okay, sensei!"

Yuji's earnest replies put a smile on Satoru's face. "Excellent. Do you remember what you felt back when Sukuna was trying to resist? Try to remember that feeling." Satoru's question made Yuji ponder for a bit. Satoru and Rimuru waited for Yuji to respond.

In a few minutes, Yuji showed glimpses of cursed energy flowing through his body. Satoru and Rimuru were both a little surprised. Sukuna's little outburst seems to have brought Yuji's sense of cursed energy much higher than both expected.

"Excellently done, you have quite the aptitude for this. Is it thanks to Sukuna's interference... Anyway, I've planned for quite a few things, Yuji. So prepare yourself for some intense training."

Satoru's semi-serious tone was enough for Yuji to gulp and feel nervous. "D-Do I need to prepare myself mentally or physically...?"

"Both," replied the Gojo siblings.

"Well," added Rimuru, "You'll have to be prepared for a lot of things since you're a sorcerer now, like me. Unlike brother over there, I've only been a proper sorcerer for as long as you've been a normal high-schooler. We'll be training together for a while, glad to be working with you, Yuji!"

"I did notice you were closer to us in age, but that's not a lot of time..." Yuji spoke to Rimuru like he would to a classmate. "You're pretty strong to be able to take on Sukuna, but you became a sorcerer only relatively recently. I don't know that much to make strength comparisons, but I know without a doubt that you're one of the top sorcerers! I'll make sure to learn as much from you as possible!"

Yuji's praises made Rimuru blush out of embarrassment, "Oh, it's nothing really~" and saying something along those lines.

"Ah, Nanami just texted me. He's given me the schedule for us to meet him. Great timing actually..." Satoru was looking over his phone while Rimuru and Yuji were talking, and now Nanami had just texted him about the schedules for Satoru to introduce Yuji.

"Who is that, sensei?" asked Yuji.

"Your future teacher. Or, if he decides to teach you. That'll be up to you, Yuji-kun. For now, we'll make you train on cursed energy control."

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