future chapter 15

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I just thought i would give you a sneak peak instead of a chapter bye hope this makes you excited for chapter 15 the last chapter. Ok so shes dead it wont stop me from killing you and if shes dead then drake must be dead from the explosion. Nope well actually i dont know but if he is it wont matter because once you die i will use the wand to make him come back to life. Ha die. I see you came to fight me. Fight, i dont want to fight you i want to kill you. Ahhh kling kling kling kling dwing. Ha i knocked it right out of your hand now DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know this was short but after all it was a sneak peak lol. And i almost forgot the real chapter 15 is going to be really freakin long and might take awhile to make bye.

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