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Ozpin has seen much in his life, he has seen the begining and the end of the first humans, he has seen the rising of the second humans and some had animal features, they were named Faunus, he saw Kingdoms rising and falling, but never has he seen someone who broke the laws of nature, but fate has decided to be a bitch towards him and shoved one such example right into his face, said person is currently sitting there and playing with his arm that had been ripped out, bone sticking out of the arm and blood dripping to the ground, the person had blonde hair, fair skin with a yellow highlight, almost like a corpse, his body structure, is very thin, almost skeletal, but for the more experienced eyes, they can tell that he is ridiculously strong, "So Mr. Arc, i have a few questions i would like to ask." said Ozpin and the named person said "Alright, i have time, just let me put my arm back, also my name is Jaune.", with a sickeing squelch and some other nightmare fueling sounds, the arm was attached to the main body and ready to be used again, "Now then, i have noticed that you have not even flinched when you had... lost your arm, why is that?" asked Ozpin and Jaune then said "Oh thats easy, i feel no pain, what is that anyways and is it bad?", Ozpin nearly chocked on his coffee when jaune said that and then said "Well, pain is a signal that our nerves send to the brain, which then knows that there is an injury and that is what causes a feeling of either discomfort or incredible pressure, depending on the injury.", Jaune then said "Ohhh, alright i understand.", Ozpin then asked "Do you by any chance have dreamt to become a huntsmen?", Jaune shrugged his shoulders and said "I have, but no one would take me as their student when my semblance is litteraly making me a living corpse with shapeshifting ability's and other stuff.", Ozpin raised an eyebrow and put that in the back of his mind, knowing that this may come in handy in the future, his curiosity then made itself known and asked "Could you show me your shapeshifting ability?", Jaune nodded and stood up.

He went to the middle in the room and rolled his shoulders, unbeknownst to him, a woman entered the room when Ozpin asked about the shapeshifting part and got curious aswell, then a sickening sound of bones breaking was heard and two arms appeared to be tearing themselves off of his body, flesh visible from the place and his back began to buldge, the sound of flesh being torn apart was heard and a creature that resembles a bat or a manta ray appeared behing him, blood flowing out like a waterfall, staining the ground in a rotten red.

He went to the middle in the room and rolled his shoulders, unbeknownst to him, a woman entered the room when Ozpin asked about the shapeshifting part and got curious aswell, then a sickening sound of bones breaking was heard and two arms appeared...

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'Well... looks like sleep is going on a vacation for a few weeks, im never going to unsee that...' thought Ozpin and the woman went to nearest trashcan to empty her stomach, Jaune turned around, causing the crow that was looking into the window fall off the tree with wide eyes, Ozpins eyes widened aswell when he saw that jaune was now missing a few organs, a majority being very important, he saw that Jaune picked the creature up and said "Mr.Arc... what in the gods names is that?", Jaune then said "That is an infector, it can infect anything with a formular that turns them into a creature of unparaleled rage with its proboscus by jabing it into the brain, also do you have any dead beings around you?", that part confused Ozpin slightly and he then said "Not that i know of.", Jaune then said "Well thats good, because that would have been reanimated and started to walk around, waiting for orders...", Ozpin then made a mental note to hide away his meal he was about to eat, suddenly a fish with spiderlike legs, a heavily deformed body and a fang filled mouth entered the room, "Fuck..." said Jaune and his arms let loose of the Infector, what happened next could be said a brutal beatdown as the infector began to repeatidly stab the mutated fish, the woman having wide eyes and Ozpin having thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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