Spin the bottle

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It was evening later, and all of the villagers were bored. Even Amelia was bored and she was the mayor! So they decide to come up with an idea to pass the time on their island.

"Let's spin the bottle!" Tank said, enthusiastically. "WHAT?" everyone said. They were bored but they weren't THAT BORED, right? "Well, we could give it a try, but no kissing, or any of that sus stuff, ok?" Tom Nook said, giving them a stern look. The villagers all agreed.

"Whoever the bottle lands on, has to tell us who their crush is." Plucky said enthusiastically, hoping that there would be some sort of drama sooner or later. Plucky spun the bottle and it landed on Amelia. "So chicky poo, tell us who your crush is."

The room went silent as they were waiting for Amelia to respond"... I like Tank" Amelia said in a soft hush voice. "You like who?" Katherine asked, hoping that she didn't hear her sister right.

" I said that I liked Tank..." Amelia said. Her voice was a little louder, but it still wasn't heard across the room. "Who?" everybody asked. They were still unsure if they heard Amelia right.

Just then, Tank leaned in closer and kissed Amelia fast and swiftly. Tom Nook just slapped his hand on his forehead. "These villagers just don't listen." he mumbled under his breath.

Katherine was a little shocked. She knew that her sister had a crush on him, but she didn't know that he liked her back. Then again, no one else knew, so it was a bit of a shock when he said "I love you" to her after kissing her. It was a little shocking, or so at least Katherine thought.

What would Tortimer think? What would her father think, and more importantly, what would her mother think? Would her sister's reputation be ruined because of what happened? She knew that her parents met at the workplace, due to her mother being her father's secretary, and knowing that her father was the mayor of the town that she grew up in, so she assumed it was ok, but she still wasn't sure. Katherine had a little tiny crush on Tank, but she didn't really think of him that much.

"Wow. I guess I'm now thinking like my uncle." Katherine said. She wanted to fall asleep, but after todays drama, she wasn't sure if she wanted to lay down and to sleep; she wanted to go out and talk to Plucky, but wasn't sure how she would react to her question, for she was the one who asked her sister the question in the first place.

" I'll ask her tomorrow." Katherine said, as she was starting to fall asleep.

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