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((ya this is very muchso ventish so TW for weight hatred etc))

Dru twisted her lips as she stood before the full length mirror. She didn't know why she was surprised that the lingerie which she had thought was oh so adorable in the store looked hideous on her. Really, she ought to have known that it would look disgusting. After all, she was disgusting. No outfit, no matter how cute it was, could change that fact.

With a sigh, Dru flopped back onto her bed and closed her eyes. She tried her best to ignore the whispers in her mind, one sneering at her for her stupidity while another hissed that Guy would be disgusted at her. That he would be horrified that Dru had bought an outfit in the hope that it may help her to feel pretty for once, and in the hope that it might boost her confidence and make her feel less undeserving of attention and affection. Dru had visions of Guy smiling awkwardly and avoiding her gaze. She imagined him being distant yet polite as he averted his eyes from the curves of her skin.

How could she have been so stupid? Lingerie changed nothing. It didn't make Dru any prettier or worthy of Guys affection. It didn't change the fact that she was hideous, and it did certainly did not mean that Guy wouldn't run for the hills if Dru asked him to get intimate with her.

Sure, Guy had his days where he begged Dru to allow him to nibble at her thighs and grab at her breasts, amongst other things. But Dru considered herself lucky that he wished to touch her body at all and so she held her tongue as she did not wish to bother Guy or to scare him off with her own irrelevant desires, no matter how much her body sometimes ached for his touch. Dru had decided long ago that she would keep quiet and allow Guy to select when he wished to be intimate with her on his own terms.

After all, Dru knew that she was a beast and that Guy was a beauty so she figured she should be grateful to receive any attention from him at all.

The last thing she wanted was to scare Guy off with her grotesque body and desires

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