Fever Dreams.

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Hypatia awoke with a jolt, her hand flying to her stomach before she breathed out a sigh that was both laced with disappointment and relief. Lately, her heart and mind seemed to be at war with one another, much to Hypatia's irritation.

While Hypatia was extremely aware of the fact that she could never have a baby, much less with her current boyfriend Matt, her heart seemed to remain ignorant to that fact.

It was nothing to do with Matt and everything to do with the fact that Hypatia was unsuitable to be a mother. After all, she not only ran a night club for supernatural beings, which was a completely unsuitable profession for a mother, but she also was the leading lady of the Shadow market, a fact that Matt was completely unaware of and that Hypatia had no idea how to disclose to him without being dumped and arrested by her boyfriend. Neither of which she was eager to do.

Hypatia loved her jobs and had no intention to give either up, but she still sometimes wished that things could be different. She sometimes wished that her life was easier and that she could have everything she wished for, without having to run the risk of losing her boyfriend and without having to sacrifice her desire to be a mother.

But alas, Hypatia had no one to blame but herself. She was her own best friend and worst enemy, no one could make or change her decisions for her.

Hypatia ran her hand over her tummy then sighed and rolled over, burying her face into her pillow with a huff.

She just wished that these strange dreams of hers would stop plaguing her, lest she run the risk of losing her damn mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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