Chapter 1

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Jennie's new Calvin Klein ad made me do it, she's just too hot 😭😭


Jennie was always confident in every way. She had a pretty face, her delicate and doll-like features were considered a blessing from the heavens. It was as if whoever might be up there really took their time, molding every single inch of her into perfection. Of course, Jennie wasn't just a beauty to be admired and to be envied, she was more than that― way, way more. She was extremely talented, extremely charming, and extremely smart. Basically, everything that you'll ever ask for. A main protagonist, sort of.

A dangerous woman. No, not in some 'going to fuck up your life and ruin everything you love for her own entertainment' way. Besides, Jennie was unbelievably nice and easy to get along with. She was just simply a woman who could take anyone's breath away, making everyone swoon and fall head over heels for her and that seemed just as dangerous.

Everything about her just draws people in which was understandable, considering they had millions of reasons to. It was the Jennie charm, as Lisa calls it. She didn't even know how such a charming human being happens to fall in love with her.

Also, Jennie had such a nice body. Oh, also, she was somehow subjected to resorting to capitalism to earn that sweet, sweet cash to live up to her expensive lifestyle. It must be a part of being a business major, Lisa assumed.

Jennie has a very special show every Tuesday and Friday, you see. It involves a webcam and a site and well, pleasuring herself in front of thousands and thousands of viewers. Lisa doesn't mind, really, not at all. In fact, it inflates her ego, knowing that she was the only one amongst an ocean of horny individuals that could feel the warmth of her beautiful brunette girlfriend that they thirst upon.

Besides, Jennie even invites her from time to time to fuck live. It was exhilarating for her, it gets her blood pumping and heart racing in anticipation. Although, it wasn't enough for her to show her face on camera.

Perhaps, it was the decency that she had and the thought of her parents blasting her off the earth for doing such a perverse act on camera. She wasn't as bold and liberated as Jennie, flaunting that pretty face of hers like it's nothing to be worried about. Of course, they get that occasional creep in real life but that was a job for Lisa to take care of. A good beating before calling the authorities, in another term.

Plus, Jennie advised her not to. Well, not yet, at least. Apparently, Jennie's fans were thirsting over her full sleeve of tattoos on her right arm and her abnormally massive... genitalia. The mystery so happens to boost the lovely girlfriend's ratings and who was she to ruin that success of hers?

Tonight was one of those occasions. Jennie seemed to be more clingy and touchy over the course of dinner and that only means one thing, of course.

So, here they were, setting up everything and planning the angles and how the camera would capture this and that. It was so much work despite what people saw effortlessly on their screens.

"Alright," Lisa said for the umpteenth time, sliding on the bed and caging a fully naked Jennie with her arms. She already had her top off, her sports bra and her sweatpants the only fabric keeping her warm. "I get it. You told me that a bunch of times before."

Jennie only snorted, cupping both of her cheeks before placing a quick peck on her lips. "I just didn't want you to forget." She hummed, looking at the camera and splaying on the bed. "Don't want them hogging my baby and taking screenshots for them to look at after. They're even lucky that I'm letting them hear your voice!"

"You're such a jealous woman." She snickered, her head automatically placing itself on Jennie's chest, her cheeks squished against her breasts. "Relax. I know what I'm doing."

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