Book Four-11

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Yuki was silent for a bit before she let out a sigh. "My birthday is the seventeenth of May."

Tokiya got his phone out and placed the date in for next year. "I'm going to make sure the others know about it as well. I apologize that none of us thought to ask you about it before now."

Yuki shrugged as she looked up at him. "It's fine, there was a lot going on at that time."

"That's no excuse Yuki, we should have been done at least something for your birthday just like we did for Natsuki and Syo's. You are just as important as they are." Tokiya said as he pulled her closely to him making her look at him flustered

"I...I don't see why it's so important that I even celebrate my birthday. I'm not that important Tokiya." She spoke weakly as she looked up at him

Tokiya cupped her face with both of his hands before he kissed her lovingly on the lips. "Yuki, I know from what I've gathered today of your life that you haven't had the best life. But your birthday is special, it does matter and it is important. just like you are." He spoke sincerely to her as he looked her dead in the eyes

She teared up hearing him speak. "Y-You...You really believe so?"

"I know so, next year your birthday will be celebrated with the rest of those in Shining industry just you wait and see."

"O...Okay...I...If you say so Tokiya." She said flustered

The two of them then went home in comfortable silence, Yuki went to take care of her room while Tokiya chose to talk with the rest of the guys from STARISH in a group call. Just so he didn't have to worry about repeating himself. He wanted all of them to know when Yuki's birthday was and what he had found out about her childhood life. The entire time he spoke about Yuki's life he was in his room so he didn't end up embarrassing Yuki if she ever got out of her room.

After he had explained everything to the others, they understood why she acted how she had been when they first met her and why she would react to things how they had. It was obvious to them what they had to do just to help her out. All of them knew they'd have to support and help Yuki out of the mental rut she'd be in for a while since knowing that her mother was alive and well. 

Yuki ended up falling asleep crying on her bed as her mind ended up registering that she still had her mother and that her mother truly loved and cared for her. When she woke up the next day she took her medication and went to Rosaline's sweet shop to get something to eat before working with Kana and Van on the next commercial without Tokiya around. After she finished, she chose just to fly around to clear her head about what she had found out about her family life.

She ended up sitting in her usual thinking place for a while until she had gotten a call from Tokiya. She answered it placing her phone on speaker. "Hey Tokiya."

"Where are you Yuki? You've been gone for a while and I've already contacted Kiryun about when you had finished with the commercial you had to do today."

She let out a sigh as she shut her eyes. "I apologize for worrying you Tokiya...I need time to think about what I found out yesterday. I thought my mother was dead which was why I was placed in that horrible orphanage. I hadn't thought that she was still alive and gave me to her brother because she didn't want me to get harmed."

"So you're okay?"

"Yeah...I'm alright. I'll be back at the apartment in a half hour or so."

"Alright then, please be careful."

"I will Tokiya don't you worry about that."

"I do worry, especially knowing what you've dealt with in the past. You shouldn't have had to deal with such nonsense."

"eh, it's my past. I'll deal with it one way or another Tokiya."

"If you say so. I love you Yuki."

"I love you too Tokiya. See you in a bit."

Tokiya then hung up and Yuki broke down crying in her hands as she looked at the setting sun. "Why...Why now? If only I could get rid of these wings without having them hurt me internally." She said through her sobs. "They make me become so darn ugly."

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