Chapter 20

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Five days had gone by since her marriage. Shreya lingered near her cat once again. It was a scenery as beautiful as always with ragged leaves covering vibrant streaks of the evening sky.

Lakshya had not said anything too mean or rude to her in these five days. That itself made her smile at odd times.

She still heard him on the phone with Moksha though. It stung more and more. There was no getting used to that. She milled around in the alley for some more time. Then, with some resolve she returned.

When it was 7, she was half way through her meal preparation. Even with all the kitchen noise, she managed to hear the dangling of keys.

She quickly washed her hands and rushed to open the door for him. Lucky her, she was just in time. When will he decide to ring the doorbell?

She smiled at him.

Lakshya was thrown off by her every time she did this. No one smiled at him so animatedly, and so often. It wasn't a normal smile. It was as if she replaced entire words and sentences with a smile and expected him to understand and respond. Once again, he paid her no mind.

Soon after, Shreya set the table.

Lakshya still carried his plate to the living room.

This was no different from yesterday. Shreya finished her meal slightly nervous, though.

An hour later she changed into a lingerie she decided on with quite a lot of trouble. This was the second most sexiest piece in her wardrobe. Of course, specially packed for nuptials by her mother, mother-in-law and her sister-in-law. If she remembered correctly, this was her sister-in-law's choice.

The silk was baby pink, with a deep neck, reaching her knees.

Nervous, yet bold, she went to his door and knocked.

She held her breath. This was the man in her heart, after all.

Lakshya was on the phone. No surprise there. The call seemed to have come to a natural end right then. Shreya knew it was his girlfriend on the other side. In all honesty , she did feel guilty for Moksha. Not just her, but also for Lakshya and herself.

He looked up to the sound, as he tore the phone away from his ear.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" His voice was menacing.

Shreya gulped. Her heart was already trembling. Suddenly, she felt all the shame in the world.

She was close to tears, in fact. But she tried her damn hardest to not be bothered.

"Was that Moksha?"

"You don't have to know."

She gulped again. She gathered some courage and took one step forward.

Lakshya got up from his bed and walked to her.

She took a step back instinctively.

He leaned in. "I didn't know I was marrying such a shameless whore."

Shreya felt his breath as well as the hatred it carried. Silent tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Why are you still standing here?"

She did not move. One step back and she would be out of his room.

"If I fuck you now, will you stop?" He knew how many times he avoided her seemingly meek advances. He hoped he was vulgar enough.

Finally, she turned back. The way he spoke to her did not make her angry or humiliated. It only made her sad.

She stayed still, controlling her breath and her raging emotions. Her lips were agape and she tried not to break down right where she stood.

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