Chapter 27

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After dinner, Shreya called Shreekant.

All these days, she only kept contact with him through messages. Her brother was unbelievably good at detecting her sadness. He would not voice out any concern, but she knew he'd be worried if he had listened to her voice over the past few weeks of her marriage.

"Shreya, how are you?" He did not sound as energetic as Shreya expected him to.

"Is everything okay?"

"Um, just exam tension. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"Are you home?"


"I want to greet him... brother-in-law."

Shreya was confused. They did not even speak enough.

"Yeah? Okay... hold on."

Lakshya was sitting right beside her on the couch. The TV was on.

"My brother wants to talk to you." Shreya held out her phone.

Lakshya took the phone a little unsure. The person on the other side was just a little boy. Still, he felt awkward talking to her brother before her.

He walked around the house as he put the phone to his ear.


"Hi. Can I call you Lakshya?"

Lakshya's face fell. He was glad he was out of Shreya's sight.


"Doesn't matter." Then Lakshya heard a pause and a groan before Shreekant continued. "Do you know what the most important thing is for Shreya? Being happy. She thinks too much though. If something is hard for you but easy for others, it feels so unfair, and that thing becomes the most important. Do you understand, Lakshya?"

Lakshya wanted to retort when he heard his name being called out by this boy.

"I am glad she is happy. Thanks."

Then he heard a choke.

"Hey, hey? Is everything okay?"

Lakshya had already waltzed into the balcony. So he was not worried Shreya would hear.

"Hey? You dump such vague words about your sister's happiness and then start crying? What is wrong with you?"

"Shhh!" Shreekant's panic was no joke.

"Shreya is not around. So tell me, what's going on?"

"I'm in the infirmary. I have an exam tomorrow morning. My books are not with me."

Lakshya softly shut the balcony door.

"If you need your books, ask your friends to get them to you!"

All Lakshya heard was silent sobbing.

"I don't know how to face you when we meet." A self deprecating chuckle followed.

"Why are you in the infirmary?"

A long pause later, Shreekant said, "That's not the point. Hehe. I guess I just wanted to cry out to someone. Don't tell Shreya."

The call ended. Lakshya wished he knew the password to Shreya's phone so he could call Shreekant back. He did calm down in the end, but what was that?

He went to Shreya. She took her phone and directly put it to her ear and said hello.

"He hung up."

She frowned. She had called after so many days and he did not even speak with her properly.

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