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The grand opening was a success. I had to send out two of my employees to Costco to buy more meat, liquor and vegetables because we were running low. The bar tenders or mixologists had to cut several people off so I wouldn't get sued. Myself and my employees were the last to leave before Mario and his cleaning crew came in to clean my business and replenish toilet paper, soap, paper towel sheets for the restroom dispensers cases, toilet seat covers and sanitary napkins. The receipts were deposited. I couldn't imagine the amount of people who showed up for the grand opening. Several restaurant owners were shocked on how many people showed up and I had to send two of of employees twice to buy more items needed for the grand opening. The security I hired for the event went with me to deposit the monies so I wouldn't get robbed. It was way too much to keep locked up in my safe. I knew it wouldn't be like this everyday it was opened. I got good reviews in the local newspapers, local TV networks and on yelp. I was definitely blessed today.

Jane: Paisley its getting late. Please come to bed.

I looked at Jane and logged out of her laptop and placed all the paper on this case in the file folder. Jane was asleep by the time I got out of the shower and joined her in her bed.

Several hours later Jane and I kissed before we went our separate ways. I was going to the courthouse while Jane was meeting her client at his house.

At the clinic...several of the people who Carol referred to see the psychiatrist were here to get evaluated so Carol would see who were good mind set to have plastic surgery. Carol was reviewing and speaking with Dr.Maria Bella.
I went to follow up with previous patients that have come every year for their physical examination.

At the courthouse...Today Lisa Marcos was the presiding judge. Tony and I stated our opening statements. It was now my turn to interview my witness who saw my client get hurt. I provided all to see video coverage that the cameras took inside. I was surprised that Tony didn't have these. If he did, he was probably hoping that I didn't have a copy of it. My first witness was convincing that my client slipped on the wet floor that no sign was posted stating it was wet. I could tell the jurors and Lisa were shocked at the video. I had other witnesses subpoena just in case. Tony knew he was going to lose this case too.

Paisley: Your honour with what I shown everyone in this court room and the one testimony I don't see a need to call my other witnesses unless the district attorney feels it is necessary.

Tony said no need. He was red again for what would be his second loss to me in two days.

Tony: There is no need. I rest my case and realize I wasted the tax payers money again.

Judge Marcos: This is the second day of you wasting the tax payers money. The plaintiff will be awarded the amount the insurance company agreed to pay Mr. Jack White. Jurors I apologize for wasting your time. Mr. Goldwyn you will reimburse the court for all of today's expenses. Case is dismissed in the favor of Mr. Jack White. Mr. Goldwyn please come to my chambers so we can talk.

My client was happy with the outcome as well as I. It was lunch time. I went to have lunch with all of the judges.

Mimi Rodgers: Mrs. Barnett your luck will eventually run out. I do commend you on humiliating Tony. He now was notified by Lisa that no more cases will be tried in our court system until all evidence he has been looked over.

Paisley: Thank you and I agree my luck will run out. In the meantime, I will enjoy winning especially against arrogant Tony.
Caleb Castille: He did it again .

Lisa: Caleb this time his office reimbursing the court for expenses including the fee each jurors receives.

Avery: Paisley your making my firm easy money and increasing our win record. Thank you. My aunt Jane is really happy you are ax well as the other partners in the firm.
Paisley: Thank you. I will pick up today's tab and the tip for lunch.

They all thanked me. I paid and left to go back to the firm to let Jane know I won another case and what Tony has to do reimbursing the city for all the expenses.

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