past memories of spring

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Your tenderness toward me grew
Like flowers Blossoming in the palm of your hands
Your callous touch couldn't handle something so delicate
And as all flowers do, it withered and died in the end

In the springtime
You danced around with grace
Brilliance dripped from your lips the likes of which left me speechless and amazed
Captivated ,my eyes couldn't bear to look away
Your radiant eyes felt like a ray of light
I flourished beneath your gaze

Winter approached
And tightened her icy grip around your throat
Vanished like the morning stars
You became a stranger, to me unknown
Not even the whisperes of spring
Could melt the cold fury that resides within

What was once a prosperous land
Now, Laid cold and barren
The most sweetest of fruits
Have turned rotten
Leaving behind nothing but a faint memory of what I once cherished
And a promise that remains eternally forgotten

How could I have ever thought
To quench the thirst of a starving man
After all it wasn't the water that he lacked
But a deep seeded desire for something I never had

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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