Chapter 02

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Izuku Afton POV

I put on the uniform but it was a little loose and the pants were at least an inch above my ankles so I left the jacket unbuttoned in an attempt to look less like a geek. I decided to teleport to school so once I was ready I teleported into my new classroom scaring the shit out of several students and my new teacher. "How many powers do you have?!" The teacher, Shota Aizawa, exclaimed.

"A lot." I said dryly.

Just then Katsuki walked in talking and laughing with a couple of females wearing the UA uniform. "Hey Katsuki." I said with a smile.

She paused her conversation then ran over and wrapped her arms around my neck, I leaned down so she wouldn't strain her back and wrapped my arms around her. She giggled with sheer happiness. "I can't believe I get to see you every day now."

"Well I say I got the lucky end of the deal because now I don't have to wait until the weekend to see you." I said picking her up.

She snuggled into my chest comfortably and I held her close. "You know Bakugou?" Aizawa asked.

"Yeah. We grew up together before I had to move for my father's business." I said.

"But why didn't you move back after you turned 18?" Aizawa pressed.

I sighed. "Because I have siblings that I had to help take care of due to the fact that my father doesn't care for them or myself much, I'm now able to go to a boarding school because they're mostly able to take care of themselves now."

"Why doesn't your dad care?" One of the kids asked.

"My parents never wanted kids so all of us were accidental, I've cared for my siblings from the age of 6 and now that I'm going to a boarding school I taught my oldest brother how to care for everyone and he took over." I answered.

"How old is your eldest brother?" Another kid asked.

"22." Katsuki answered.

"I'm the eldest at 24, then Michael is the 2nd oldest at 22, after Michael is Violet as the 3rd eldest at 21, Tenko is the eldest middle child at 19, then Terrence is the younger middle child at 15, then Elisabeth is 3rd youngest at 7, Evan is 2nd youngest at 6 and Elisa is the youngest at 4.

"How did you start caring for your siblings?" One kid asked.

"I noticed that my parents were leaving things as they were when some of the kids needed help with those things so I stepped in on those things then I gradually took over parenting because my parents left more and more things undone when it came to us. Our parents cared for my siblings until they were weaned then I took over." I said flatly.

"Where's your mother?" Aizawa asked.

I clenched my jaw. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Aizawa said quickly.

Katsuki turned her head and glared at Aizawa. "Sensei are you fucking stupid? He was omitting his mother for a reason!" She exclaimed.

"Language Katsuki. It's normal for them to be curious, they just met me." I said gently.

"But-!" She started to say.

I placed a finger to her lips. "Hush." I said softly.

She quieted obediently but I could tell by her expression that she wanted to continue the conversation. "To answer your question Aizawa, my mother abandoned our family after Elisa was weaned."

"Is that why you drink so much alcohol?" Aizawa asked quietly.

I looked down and played with my fingers. "I drink to escape for a while, I've taken on a lot to keep myself from longing for happier times and whenever I have free time that longing overwhelms me so I drink. Now will you quit asking such personal questions?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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