Chapter 2 : The First Encounter (After A While)

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I changed out of my uniform and into a light blue oversized sweater and white sweatpants with white shoes and a messy bun to top it off.

Then I went down the elevator of my apartment and went to go find Haerin. While I was crossing the street, I saw Haerin waving frantically. She looked like me! Light blue sweater, white sweatpants and white shoes! What?!?! "Matchy matchy!" She spoke. "As always." I replied. We then headed to the café. While we were walking, I could sense Haerin was looking for something or someone. Huh, weird. Not like her to be suspicious, not like she isn't though. When we arrived, I was in awe. It was so aesthetic and pretty! I obviously took a lot of pictures. While I was doing that, I still felt Rinnie looking for that thing! I honestly don't know why, but it felt suspicious. The moment I was going to ask her about it, the bell on the door rang and what I saw was horrendous. There, stood Beomgyu, who is not horrendous, and SUNOO. Who was obviously the horrendous one. "Haerin, WHY'RE THEY HERE?!" I whisper-screamed "Hae, thought we agreed that there would not be any double dates and I-" I added but got cut off when Sunoo shouted, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" But good thing there weren't many people or else Sunoo could've caused quite a scene. "That's what I said." "Well, me and Haerin thought it would be nice if-" We cut him off and when I say 'we' I mean me and Sunoo. "Shut up Gyu" "Ooh la la! Finishing each other's sentences already, I see!" "BEOMGYU- Hey stop copying me, idiot. Beomgyu, Haerin! What have you two done?!?!" "You two make the perfect couple" We shot glares at the two. "What? Just couple goals, obviously!" "Rinnie!" "Sorry. I just can't resist the idea of you two being together!!" She squeals. "For heaven's sake, Gyu. And Haerin Why're we the big ship?" "Yeah!" I agree "Why're we the big deal when Leeseo and Wooyoung were found kissing in an empty classroom?" "Of course! NOT!!" Says Haerin. "Yeah, exactly! You two are our best friends!" Beomgyu replies while I feel confused. Didn't I tell Haerin that me and Sunoo were silently sworn enemies? "Hey, uh, don't you two know we're sworn enemies? Hey! Why're you still copying me?" "Gyu, should we go know?" Haerin whispered. Though I couldn't hear, Sunoo did. He came close to me, a bit to close if you ask me, and asked; "Why're you two leaving all of a second?" Making me think that those two set us up. "Did you two plan something?" I ask. "N-no..." Haerin stuttered. "Yeah, yeah, nothing suspicious." Beomgyu adds. And so, I sighed and said, "Well, you can leave if you want but we two aren't doing any funny business here with you two spying." I pointed to us two while Sunoo nodded "Hey! I put an excuse for that. We're not spying we were ju-" "Yeah, you two set us up, that's it. End of convo!" Sunoo concludes. After the two left we got some coffee and went to do our stuff and exchanged numbers and that was basically it, though he made me do most of the work. Obviously I got that coming. I mean, it was fun, I guess. Talking to him without him cutting me off and listening to each other. It felt nice, for once. Kinda?

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