First draft, chapter 1

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Dear diary,

Today was chaotic. It was the last day of school and apparently an invitation for chaos, girls leaving for netball, teachers making us stand outside and worst of all. My water bottle leaked, just my luck.

But again, it was also the last day of school and I'm so glad to be at home. This term was so draining, if I had to do one more Afrikaans question, I think I would've started crying. I'm currently debating whether I should do the Afrikaans homework I got today or sleep. I think I'll choose the latter. On that note, what's up with teachers and giving so much homework before holiday? Unfortunately ma'am I have a date with my bed and am unable to complete it.

I've been scrolling on Pinterest to find some crafts I want to do this holiday and I think I've found some. I've always wanted to make paper stars and i finally found a tutorial I could actually follow, I'm so happy! I also saw this super cool deer skull thing? I don't know it just looked cool and I have clay. I do have to finish some of my other projects first though, like my cat tic tac toe board or that mushroom incense holder I'm making for my friends birthday. That reminds me I need to make her a card.

Well it's getting late, I think I'm gonna go shower and go to bed, maybe read a bit first. I've started this new fantasy series and I'm so excited for it. I'm rambling again, I seriously need to go to bed.

Peace out from your favourite girl.

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