First draft, chapter 2

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Dear diary,

It's me again. Today was surprisingly good, I spent most of my day relaxing, making paper stars and watching a movie from my favourite artist. How cool is it that she made her music into a movie?! Time went by pretty fast and 6 hours, 247 paper stars and 2 cramping fingers later I decided to stop for the day. I only have purple strips of paper for now, but I plan to get more in the future.

I didn't do much today, but I enjoyed it. Watching something I enjoy, my cat sitting at my feet, rainy weather. It was perfect. Although I don't have much to talk about now. I finished all my homework luckily, I don't want to have to worry about it later.

Well, it's 11:30 and I think I'm gonna try sleep, my cats lying next to me and theirs a cool breeze blowing so it should be too hard.

Peace out from your favourite girl.

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