First draft, chapter 5

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Dear diary,

I'm still in the psych ward. They decided I was a "safety risk" and I need to stay for another few days. I think they just want money.

I've had even more time on my hands, and I've been making even more paper stars (I'm at 2937). I've also had more time to think about my gender. I know it sounds stupid that I've spent this long thinking about it, but for some reason it's so hard for me. Maybe I'm thinking too deeply about it but who knows.

Too settle my mind a little bit I've decided I'm also a Demi girl like my friend, it put my mind at rest for the first time in days. I'm currently watching Cats the Musical in group therapy whilst I write this. Who knew singing cats could be such a good background noise? I didn't.

Their calling me for dinner, got to go. Maybe I'll write later? I don't think I will.

Peace out from your favourite girl/person.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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