Chapter 17: the greatest, most necessary chapter ever

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''alright, how did we get here this time?'' 2BDamned asked Hank and Maxie as they spawled through the desert.

''i think there was something wrong with the button. we're not in the sky like we should be. by now we'd be freefalling with Sanford and Deimos into an A.A.H.W supply plane.


Sanford and Deimos plowed through enemy lines as they navigated the plane, looking for a way to shut it down to weaken the A.A.H.W.

''um, San? where do you think Hank and the others are?'' Deimos asked as he bit into a burger.

''i think they must have gotten lost. maybe even distracted by candy'' Sanford responded. ''we can wait for them. might be a while, but they'll arrive. i'm sure of it.''

back to Hank, Maxie and 2BDamned

Hank loitered on the floor eating a massive gluestick he snuck in the other night as he was shooting up A.A.H.W agents. Maxie was wondering what to do next.

''so where will go now? we can't just see the plane up there. we're in a more orange desert, and Nevada is grey as shit. '' Maxie walked around.

''i honestly have no clue. if we are to find the plane we were meant to land on, i guess the instructions wern't done right for the teleporter.... after all it did say it was two time use'' 2BDamned spoke.

Hank was trying to get the rest of the glue out as he ate it. in anger he threw the empty stick right at the teleporter, which somehow caused it to work.

the trio were then falling down from the sky into the plane....

they were looking for!

they went inside, seeing lots of A.A.H.W agents, soldats and engineers loited everywhere.

as they walked across, Hank found a small vial that was being worked on, one that could make anybody it desired into a MAG for a limited time. without thinking, he injected it.

they eventually found Sanford and Deimos making a few wisecracks over dead guys.

''so then, eighty showed up. i took out about 67 of them.'' Deimos chuckled.

''what about the other 13?'' Sanford chuckled.

''simple. they ran away because they saw i had a cigar.'' Deimos spoke.

''hey boys, sorry to crash your party, but we got here.'' Maxie interupted.

''oh, so you did arrive. heh, lucky. we were starting to wonder why you hadn't arrived.'' was Sanford's response.

''the teleporter was broken'' 2BDamned explained.

[hi everyone! so i've been thinking, and i decided to just make this one book. your just seeing random adventures in canonical chronological order. there is a lot to fill in. like a whole Project nexus storyline that stretches for about 7-10 chapters. it won't be a part of the chapter count, it's just.... there to further the story.

still, there is a good amount of chapters to do, and that's not involving all the MANY chapters in the main XT sides story. the main fnf XT sides story will have 7 volumes. check my profile to check volume one, and start from there. but you can pick this up first if you want. the story structure is already confusing as is]

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