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"A room, filled with only darkness. The room's darkness was only broken by its singular light, which the light shines upon the structure that most deserves it. As the room only fills with the dark, it emphasizes the beauty in which the light shines upon."

"A statue made entirely out of gold, centered in the dark room, made to be looked upon by thousands, and to stare in awe at it's beauty. The statue resembled that of a princess, who rules over a gigantic kingdom, as this statue not only resembled the princess's beauty, but her power and wealth as well. Those who gaze upon its greatness, feel that they are smaller, ants even, compared to the statue, let alone the princess. This is a symbol of beauty, power, and wealth, all in one, like the eighth wonder of the world. No words can describe the feeling it gives to those who even takes a slight peek at this structure."

"This structure was, no, IS special, and is guarded by the best security force in its kingdom, to protect not only the symbol of the princess's beauty and power, but to show the citizens of the kingdom how well she can keep her kingdom in control. Imagine, if it were ever to be stolen. It would break the trust the princess has made with her kingdom that she built for years, decades even. All it would take, is for someone to break in and take it, maybe even do it in a single night."

"Damn, sounds like we got quite the treasure, huh Waluigi?", Dry Bones joked,"The statue will be quite the chore to steal, ya' think we could do it, Waluigi?", Bandit added. Waluigi sat in his seat, pondering on the next crime they should commit. His friends surround the purple menace, awaiting his answer.

"We'll strike at midnight." Waluigi spoke. The fiends' eyes both struck open, although are not surprised by Waluigi's confidence. "What's the plan, boss?", Dry Bones chuckled out. Bandit waits for the same response.

Waluigi began to speak,"Our plan is simple..."


Waluigi. The best thief in the Mushroom Kingdom, maybe even the entire galaxy. No one can compete with him when it came to stealing, he's stolen countless artifacts and treasures throughout his time as a thief, and has never been caught. Although, his main target has always been from the rich and wealthy, as they had the best objects to steal, and that he didn't really like stealing from the poor. Despite this, he's a nice man, and likes to play jokes on his friends.

Dry Bones. Waluigi's right-hand man, and the weapons guy of the gang. He knew how to use a green shell as if it were a blue shell. Rarely misses his targets and often likes to fight, he's the strongest out of the three. He also likes to read books in the afternoons.

Bandit. A small-time thief turned the smartest in the group, often brainstorming with Waluigi on a plan on how to steal treasure or on which movie to watch that night. He doesn't have much confidence as he's not the best at stealing, only having experience stealing things like candy from babies, but Waluigi saw something special in Bandit, which is why he's apart of the gang. His favorite type of cookie are frosted sugar cookies.

This is BIZARRE, a gang of misfits, delinquents, and most importantly, thieves.

Waluigi's Bizarre Adventure: RET0LDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora