The Plan

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The sound of footsteps, marching down the halls, filled the castle walls. The walls, decorated with beautiful paintings, objects made out of gold, and artifacts that seemed priceless. It was obvious that royalty lived here, and it didn't like guests unannounced. "Sir, we have secured the main gate! It's ready for the ceremony tonight!", a Toad Soldier would state to his commander,"The Princess will be proud of your effort. Head to the South Hall, your designated station is there.", the Toad Commander said,"Sir yes sir!", the same Toad Soldier answered.

Today was a special day in the kingdom, the unveiling of the Princess's grand statue, one that had been in construction for what seemed like years, ready to be shown to the public, and is a representation of the kingdom's power and wealth compared to all neighboring kingdoms. The Princess requested the highest security imaginable, hiring the best soldiers, detectives, inspectors, and two plumbers. This, in the Princess's eyes, the best security in the kingdom, nothing could get past it, right? This was all to protect a majestic statue, one with importance, if it were to ever be stolen, it could result in the kingdom's downfall.

There was going to be a gigantic ceremony for the statue, with a ball, desserts beyond your wildest dreams, and some of the best music talents in the world. This felt like the ultimate celebration the kingdom ever had, and they made sure to not cheap out in any area. They got the best soldiers, the best food, the best music, the best everything. It was certainly a challenge for any thief, criminal, or for anyone, as a matter of fact. The reward, was immaculate, those who can defy the odds and steal this statue, had to be the best theif in the entire world, maybe even the universe, they could be considered the ultimate thief. Which is what drew so many thieves to this celebration, including BIZARRE, Waluigi's gang of misfits.

Waluigi and his gang watched over the castle in a far distance, specifically Bandit, using binoculars to view what exactly they were dealing with. "They pulled out all the stops. Not a single theif's gonna come in or out of that castle.", Bandit said,"Not with that attitude, Band, we gotta stay confident.", Dry Bones added,"Don't worry fellas, we'll get in, and out with the statue at hand.", Waluigi chimed in,"Listen to the Wah Man, Band, we got this!", Dry Bones confidently said, until a certain duo caught Bandit's eyes,"Uh oh, Code Red and Green Waluigi.", Bandit said. Waluigi's mood had changed from that single sentence, pushing Bandit back and taking a look in the binoculars himself. "Mario and that bastard Luigi! I always hated playing tennis with them!", Waluigi exclaimed,"Ya' think we can still do this, boss?", Dry Bones asked,"Yeah of course, it's just two plumber boys, they don't know what's in store!" Waluigi answered.


Mario and Luigi entered the castle, both astonished by how fancy and guarded the castle had become. "This party must be pretty serious...", Luigi stated,"Mario Brothers! So glad to see you two have arrived!", Toadsworth exclaimed, he'd been heading the whole operations going on with the soldiers and guards, while the Princess had been busy with the social part of the celebration. "Uh yeah, what's up with the security?", Mario asked, being partially annoyed he had to be checked for any weapons on him when entering the castle,"Oh you know how serious the Princess has gotten with her statue! The last time she held a celebration for a newly made statue, a couple of pirates stole it! She does not want to go through that again!", Toadsworth explained. "Ah that makes sense, I remember when that happened, good thing Wario got it back, even if he didn't really mean to.", Mario added, "Oh those were the good ol' days! Now, I called you two for a very important meeting, one that includes a certain thief.", Toadsworth said,"You don't mean...", Luigi choked,"Oh I mean it...", Toadsworth responded, handing a letter he recieved to Mario. Mario opened the letter and read it aloud:

"This is Waluigi, I am going to take the golden statue at midnight, see ya' soon! -Signed Walugi".

"Looks like Waluigi wants that statue badly.", Mario stated the obvious,"Does the Princess know about this?" Mario also asked. "Yes she does. She said to call you two to stop Waluigi at all costs. I've also hired an ally to help you! He should be here any moment..." Toadsworth trailed off, waiting for certain someone to arrive. "Uh, when will he arrive?", Luigi asked,"It should be now, I told him this was a very important mission. He's also an expert on Waluigi, he's studied and has attempted to catch him. He was close multiple times, even compared to you two, but never really caught him!", Toadsworth added.


Bandit continued to watch over the castle, in case they had to face anyone else notable enough to put a stop to their plans. Bandit almost began to doze off till he noticed a Toad in a purple jumpsuit,"That better not be who I think it is.", Bandit said to himself, until he noticed the orange spots on the Toad's head. "Waluigi, Inspector Gut's here." Bandit alerted,"Inspector Gut! Hahaha! Can't believe Gut's here! He's been trying to catch me for years! When will he learn that he can't do it!" Waluigi laughed,"Hahaha! He calls himself Mr. E too! He thinks he's a mystery, but he's predictable!", Dry Bones began to laugh as well.


Mr. E, also known as Inspector Gut, is Waluigi's rival, but Waluigi sees him as just another annoying obstacle. Gut has been painstakingly studying Waluigi for a long time, watching his every move and trick, memorizing all he can memorize, in order to capture him. He never ends up actually catching him, as Waluigi is always two steps ahead of him, but that never stops Mr. E from trying. He also likes to solve mysteries in his free time.


"Ah! Inspector Gut! You've finally come!", Toadsworth greeted Mr. E, bringing his hand out to shake Mr. E's hand, but Mr. E instead saluted Toadsworth, knowing he was in a powerful position,"Sorry to arrive so late, Lord Toadsworth. I am Inspector Gut Edwards, from the InterToad Police Force, you contacted me as it seems that Waluigi has an eye on the Princess's statue.", Mr. E stated. "Why yes Mr. E! Thank you for coming, we want the best of the best to protect this beautiful statue, and when it comes to Waluigi, no one does it better than you!", Toadsworth explained,"You will be working with the Mario Brothers, as they are here to make sure no one steals the statue as well, but then again, isn't everyone here to make sure no one even lays a finger on it! Ho ho ho!", Toadsworth continued and laughed. "Yes, Lord Toadsworth, I take pride in following and foiling his plans everywhere he goes. I will not rest till I arrest him.", Mr. E explained,"That's great to hear Mr. E, but allow me to introduce the Mario Brothers, as I'm sure you've heard of them. These strong plumbers have saved the Princess from many dangers. Mostly from the horrible King Bowser.", Toadsworth responded. Mario and Luigi both jumped, indicating that they were, indeed, the Mario Brothers. "Haha. They can save the Princess, but can they save her statue? From Waluigi? I don't think so.", Mr. E chuckled at the idea of the Mario Brothers ever stopping Waluigi. "Do not underestimate the Mario Brothers, Mr. E, they've gone up many different threats! And many different thieves! Waluigi can't be any different!", Toadsworth defended,"When Waluigi says he's going to take something, he always takes it. Once he has his eye on it, he never looks away, no matter what. I don't think the Mario Brothers have ever faced a challenge like that!", Mr. E explained, clearly stating that the plumbers weren't up to the challenge against taking on Waluigi. "We got this. Right Luigi?", Mario stepped in,"Uh yeah, indeed we do!", Luigi answered. "We'll put that to the test. May I see the letter Waluigi left?", Mr E. asked. "Of course!", Toadsworth responded, signaling Mario to hand the letter to Mr. E, in which Mario did just that. "Ah, so midnight? Guess we'll just have to see how well the Mario Brothers do their job when they're up against a master theif." Mr. E laughed again at the two plumbers. Mr. E walked away from the scene, to inspect the castle for any sort of opening that Waluigi could possibly take. "I apologize for his behavior, Master Mario, he thinks quite highly about himself when it comes to capturing Waluigi.", Toadsworth explained,"It's fine Toadsworth, we'll be ready to prove him wrong.", Mario answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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