Chapter 5

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I sat on the bed beside Caroline reading when she groaned slowly waking up. "Caroline?" I asked, making sure I wasn't hearing things.

She sat up slowly and turned to look at me, "You just snapped my neck!" She yelled at me.

"You wanted this, that was the quickest, most painless way for me to do it."I told her.

"Blood?" She asked.

I handed her the blood bag and watched as she popped it open and drank slowly. She looked at me and smiled, fangs on show. "How do I look?" She laughed. I laughed with her before shushing her and listening to the rest of the house.

The front door opened and I could hear my dad and Uncle Stefan come inside. "If she dies and becomes a vampire this will be your fault Damon!" Stefan yelled at dad. I shot Caroline a confused look.

"Well, make sure she doesn't die, brother." Dad said back.

"You are unbelievable Damon. Your daughter has missed you, she is hurt and she isn't talking to you very much because you hurt her. She wanted to be with you! She begged me to get in contact with you because she wanted to go be with her dad!" Uncle Stefan came to my defense.

"I wasn't in a good place during that time." Dad's voice went quiet.

"Yeah I noticed when I didn't get in touch with you." At that I shot out of bed and flashed down the stairs.

"EXCUSE ME?!" I screamed at him, fuming.

"Emma.." Uncle Stefan started.

"No, I have felt hate towards the wrong person. I have felt this hatred towards him because it felt like he abandoned me, when this whole time you didn't even get in touch with him. You said that you did and that he didn't want me to go see him. I spent years crying myself to sleep thinking that he hated me for things I couldn't control. How could you?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"He didn't mean it sweetheart. I wasn't in a good place when I was away from you, and if you want and when I'm ready I'll let you know what was happening in the future." Dad said, causing me to nod and turn to Uncle Stefan.

"I'm sorry I blew up towards you Uncle Stefan. You could have told me though." I said giving him a side hug before going over and hugging my dad. "Oh, by the way Caroline is here." I told them with a grin.

Their eyes widened, "What?! Emmaline Marie Salvatore, why are you just now telling us this? We have been yelling about things from the past, from years ago." Dad yelled at me.

"She understands what's going on, seeing as I told her then turned her afterwards." I said, like it was no big deal.

They both looked towards the stairs before rushing up the stairs leaving me in the living room. I stayed for a second before running after them. When I made it to my room Uncle Stefan was holding her and my dad was about to push a steak into her heart. I ran and snapped dad's neck before doing the same to Uncle Stefan.

Caroline grabbed me gasping for air not expecting that to happen to her at all. "We are going away for a week. Tell your mom that you need a week off and that we are going to New York. I can pay for everything." I told her calmly before packing a suitcase full. I plan on staying for longer than a week, but they don't need to know that.

"Okay," She replies shakily.

I grabbed my stuff while she grabbed hers, and we put everything in the car before going to her house to get more clothes to last her for the week. We talked to her mom and she was fine with it just for the week though and I had to bring her back.

We put her stuff in the car along with mine and jumped in the front seat and we sped down the road heading to our destination. I knew the drive like the back of my hand so I knew that I could make it in record time.

I picked my phone up and brought up my bestie's contact and hit the call button, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello my favorite bitch." His voice rings out.

"Hey my favorite jerk, I just wanted to tell you that I am not in Mystic Falls anymore." I told him and just waited in the silence for his reaction.

"What the in the actual fuck are you talking about? What did that imbecile do?" He asked me.

"Uncle Stefan lied to me for years Elijah, years. He told me that dad didn't want me around, but he couldn't reach him at all. He apologized, but then they both tried to kill my new best friend." I replied, trying to keep some of it out.

"Why would they do that? Also, you bitch I'm your best friend." He said.

"Eli, you are my best guy friend, this is a new best girl friend there is a difference. I turned her into a vampire." I told him, waiting for him to yell like they did. Waiting for him to tell me that I'm stupid, but it never came.

"Well, I'm not gonna yell at you because it would do no good. You're smart and if they fail to see that then that is their fault. Did you do it to save her life?" He always knows what to say to make me feel like my decisions are okay.

I sighed, "No she wanted to be a vampire though." I told him.

"I had her explain all of the things that came along with it and it all seemed exciting, except the sun thing. Also, sun comes up in an hour and I don't have a ring or anything to wear for that so we might want to stop." She told us.

"Well, she's gonna do great as a vampire. Pull over, you are coming up on a hotel, and you can continue the drive tonight. I will talk to you when you get to New York." How the hell does he do this shit?

"Okay, how the hell do you know this?" I asked in shock.

"Well there is this thing called a witch and as soon as you said you weren't in Mystic Falls I beckoned her over and told her to tell me where you are." He said, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Well, alright then. We are coming up on the hotel so I will call you when I am on the road again. Bye bitch." I said.

"Alright then my favorite wench." The line clicked.

I laughed as I put the phone down, and I pulled into the parking lot. We each grabbed one bag so we can freshen up while we are here. "When we get in here let me do the talking." I told her and received a nod back.

We walked into the lobby and up to the receptionist desk. "How may I help you?" She asked in the lovely fake voice they always use.

I looked in her eyes, "We need a room on the house with two queens and the darkest curtains." I told her and took the card she held out for me.

We went to the elevator and up to the room. "That was fabulous. So, who is taking a shower first?" She asked me.

Daddy Issues-Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now