Chapter 10

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Over the next few days I had gotten an apartment and enrolled into school. Enrolling into school was Caroline and Nik's idea so that Care wasn't alone and so I could keep up with Elena. Nik has decided that he would wait to show himself for a while and Elijah has come into town as a book writer. He stays at my apartment with me because I'm a great friend.

I got up this morning to Elijah belting Taylor Swift and making breakfast. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him in a tired voice.

"We are having a best friends day." He said, turning to me and bursted out laughing. "What are you wearing?" He asked in between laughs.

I looked down at my pajamas, "My minion onesie. Leave me alone." I pouted, going over to the kitchen island and sitting down. As soon as I got comfortable a cup of coffee was slid to me. "Ooouuu coffee my favorite, thank you my favorite bitch." I said taking a sip of the hot beverage.

"You are most welcome, my favorite wench." He said going back to cooking.

"What's on the agenda for the day then?" I asked him.

"Breakfast and an all day movie marathon. No Harry Potter, we have watched it way too many times." He said, making me roll my eyes, "Don't roll your eyes at me missy." He said.

"We have not watched it that many times, you are just being dramatic Eli." I told him with a teasing smile.

Before he had the chance to say anything, You Belong With Me came on, causing us to send each other a look and we started belting the lyrics and jumping around the kitchen. "What the hell is happening here?" We froze hearing Nik yell and turned the music off.

"Come dance and sing with us Nik, I have a onesie for both of you as well." I said running to my room to get the Stitch and Angel onesies that I have.

I came back into the room and handed them their onesies that I want them to wear, Elijah in Stitch and Nik in Angel. "Absolutely not Love." Nik said with a shake of his head handing it back to me. Elijah has gotten into his onesie already knowing it wasn't worth the fight.

"Please Nik." I pouted and shoved it back into his hands.

He sighed and started putting it on for me, "You owe me for this." He said with a glare.

"What would you like?" I asked him with a smirk.

He thought for a second then nodded once, "A lap dance." He said with a smirk.

"Okay," I went back over to the music and turned it back on so we could dance and sing to Taylor Swift.

After we danced, sang, and ate we started watching movies until Elijah started getting hungry and went to get food for us from the Grill. We sat in silence for a little bit until Nik broke it, "How about that dance now Love?" He asked me with a smirk.

"What should I dance to?" I asked him as I got up to go over to the stereo.

"How about that one song, Pony?" He asked me from the couch.

"The song from Magic Mike? The show with the male strippers?" I asked him with a confused look on my face.

"That's what it's from?" He asked me, sitting up and turning to look at me with a look of pure shock.

I nodded and started laughing while looking for the song. I found it and went back over to him as it started playing through the speakers. I started dancing to the beat of the song and as soon as it got to the good part of the song the door burst open and there stood my dad looking at me and me looking at him. I am sitting on Nik's lap in a Minion onesie giving this man a lap dance.

"What the hell is going on?" He screamed at us.

"Well I got him in the onesie so he wanted a lap dance from me and I obliged." I said with a smile.

"Who is this?" Dad asked me.

"None of your business. I also didn't say you could enter my home so therefore you may leave." I told him in the bitchiest tone I could muster. I can be a bitch, but why do that when I have a very scary almost hybrid soulmate.

"Hey there mate, I do believe she said to leave and last time I checked what she says in her place goes. I don't want to leave this very comfortable position, but if I get to kick you out I will be moving." Nik said in a menacing tone.

Dad sent me a look of pure hurt, but it was the fakest pure hurt look he could have sent my way. "I'm leaving, if you want to talk to me you know where to find me." He walked out of my apartment closing the door behind him with a slam.

I huffed and walked over to the stereo and turned it off then walked to the kitchen and poured myself a drink. Right before I could down it I threw the glass to the wall. My dad has officially pissed me off that I am wasting bourbon, what a bitch. Why does he do this to me? Does it make him sleep better at night knowing that he hurt me?

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Nik asked from behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Well I am hurt that he did that. He found out where I live, and he came into my home without being invited in because he knows that he can. He has it in his mind that he can just do what he does and it has no consequences." I said pouring another glass actually getting this one down.

"I can't help you get him to understand that he has hurt you, but I can help you hurt him. I just have a feeling that it will hurt a lot more people in the long run." He said while hugging me from behind.

I turned around in his arms, "Getting the other part of you back is going to be great Nik, and I am so happy for you to be able to go through this process. I want you to wait until the full moon, and then when you get everything ready you will snatch Elena and kill her and I'll be damned if those two intervene." I told him and gave him a hug.

The door opens, "Look who I ran into while getting the food." Elijah says walking into the apartment with Caroline.

I shot Caroline a look, "You two are getting close Eli." I told him with a smile.

"What did I miss?" Elijah asked me.

I shook my head but stopped with the look that I got from him, "Dad came by unannounced." I said and shoved my head into Nik's chest.

"Oh honey are you okay?" Care asked me.

"I will be way more okay when you two get together." I told them with a smile.

"We should go somewhere and get out of the house." Caroline said changing the subject.

Daddy Issues-Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now