Mirrored Reflections - Chapter 1

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It was so warm.

It's so cold.

Everything is so bright.

It's all so dark.

I feel like I'm wrapped in a warm blanket.

It's like I'm covered in ice.

Is this heaven?

Is this hell?

How did I get here?

Where am I?

My body, I can't feel it.

Why can't I feel anything?

"FLAWS! THEY'RE ALL FLAWS", the sporadic tapping and thumbing of a leg resonates like the force of a tornado, flowing throughout two separate spaces.

Who are they?

Who's that?

Looking through the realm of absolute light a figure scratches their head, a set of four arms extending out, their body mostly slim and yet oddly big in both the thigh and upper torso region, flat like a male, yet proportioned like a female.

Looking through the realm devoid of color I notice a figure. Is that supposed to be god? Why is there yellow flame like hair coming out of their head? And the top of their skull looks similar to a crown, almost built into it.

Wriggling underneath the almost diving being a set of almost an abyssal like black set of markings wriggles like worms through ones skin, their sharp and flowing edges almost piercing and digging into the light attempting to eat it, these marks going unnoticed by the deity.  

"Time after time, each man and woman who claimed to be some being of peace, some 'messiah', some speaker of god. Every last one of them fell to corruption, humans and their greed, the 'free will' I gave them only creates darkness, no matter the mortal each one fell to darkness at one point", the god seethed in anger, his belief of darkness being a problem blinding him of his own corruption.

"One last chance, one last time, if they fail this time then they never deserved free will in the first place, much less deserving of my care. Everything will cease if they fail, no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, and no god. There belief will bear no more meaning, their ideologies will corrode them, their evil will taint their hearts, and all they will know is oblivion".

Turning around their eyes pierce through a vessel, a being of light in a sea of darkness.

Are they staring at me? No, it's almost like-

Those eyes, they almost look like they're staring at me?

"You, you will be the one who will who bears no flaws, I will make you into a 'proper vessel', a last hope for the people, I don't care what the other gods think, what they say, they can't stop this, but first, I must cleanse you of your flaw, you cannot persist and prosper in a world like this", waving his hand a mirror appears, reflecting a world of complete light, on the other side an almost human shape, completely made of darkness, stares back at the two.

Who are they?

Who are you?

What does he mean by free will, is this being truly a god? Don't tell me they'd actually do something so insensible?

What are they doing, what 'vessel' what are they gonna do with me?

Raising their hand the god grabs the shoulder of being of light, the light attempting to pull away.

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