Chapter 6: High School

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The rest of summer break was uneventful. I didn’t encounter any other cute boys, nor did I embarrass myself any further. Embarrassment was a part of everyone’s life, but I didn’t want it to define me, so I steered clear of it so far. The long break ended and school was starting, so my new social life needed to cooperate with meeting new students. Senior year would be filled with memories from different people. People, who seemed nicer, better, safer.

I was glad my mom decided to move. It brought us closer and we shared everything from outfits to secrets. She was like the best friend I never had. I could count on her for anything and I knew she wouldn’t let me down. We’ve learned to live in our new house and it’s as if we lived in it for years. It was no longer just a house, it was now a home. Our home.


I rushed to my new room and put on the outfit chosen from the previous night. Nothing special, just some casual light denim jeans with a white v-neck t-shirt and some black Converse. Black mascara made my long eyelashes and brown eyes stand out. Pink gloss glowed on my plump lips. My dark brown hair was straightened and reached the bottom of my back. I glanced at my appearance in the mirror and admitted I didn’t look half bad.

While skipping down the stairs, my mother shouted through the kitchen saying she had a surprise for me. Maya followed my steps into the kitchen and sat beside my mother’s feet. My mom was standing beside the fridge holding a small white box towards me. It had a red bow wrapped around its edges. My fingers touch the soft fabric as I pulled the knot. My body jumped in excitement when I opened the lid. A brand new white I-phone 4 hid under the pink tissue paper. I immediately jumped into her arms and kissed her cheek to thank her. She smiled and said I was responsible enough and that I should keep it open at all times if ever she needed to contact me. I slipped it into my back pocket letting her know I’d call her after school. We said our goodbyes and I headed towards into unknown.


Screams and laughter filled my ears before I ever turned the street corner. When the big two story school was finally in sight, it intrigued me how big it looked. Students hugged and teachers smiled. The blazing sun kissed the tan bodies of the boys and girls. Birds sang as they sat in big green trees planted around the large yard. A colourful flower garden stood out on the perimeter of the red brick walls. Everything seemed so serene. It was hard to imagine that I had been in a place so similar, yet so different. My old school felt like hell. The flowers looked like devils and the yard looked like a battlefield, for I had to fight my way through days of misery.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I attempted to walk calmly towards the main entrance without tripping. I immediately heard whispers, and listened. They weren’t whispering horrible things about me or talking about my father’s death. The students were curious as to who I was. You’re the new girl, a voice in my head whispered, and this is just the beginning.

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