Chapter 8: Blake

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The bell rang. Lunchtime; the part of the day I was most nervous about. Questions like, WHERE will I sit or WHO will I sit with entered my mind as I reached my locker. I took out my sandwich and juice box and made my way towards the filled cafeteria. Voices blasted throughout the room as I took a deep breath, stared down, and ambled to an empty table. I stopped in my tracks when another pair of black converse appeared in front of me. I looked up at the tall figure obstructing the path.

“Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three times…three times is fate.”

I stared back at the cute boy I had met outside the furniture store and out on the beach. He smirked at my shocked expression and laughed while asking,

“Are you stalking me? Maybe I should call the cops or something.”

He winked and I scoffed at his comment and proceeded around him. The empty table was now filled with random students chatting away. Thanks stranger, now I don’t have a place to sit, I thought.A soft hand grabbed my shoulder made me face Mr. Cutie.

“Ooh, someone stole your seat. Bummer,” he said sarcastically. “You’re the other new student right? I guess I missed out on the tour with that hot chick Stacy.”

“Oh, so you’re the mystery man who skipped the tour.” I replied.

“I’m not the one who skipped English, Kat, is it?”

His lips tugged into a smirk when I gave him a confused look asking for an explanation as to how he knew I didn’t attend English.

“I’m in your class. I skipped the tour because I went to the open house. I would’ve come if I knew Stacy was the leader.”

I gave him a disgusted look and turned around only to be tugged back into him. He twisted me around and introduced himself,

“I’m Blake. Blake Irons; from New York. You look oddly familiar. Are you from New York also?”

Crap! He’s from New York. I can’t tell him my real name. What if he knows about my dad?

“Yes. I’m Kat umm...Kat Ross.” I smiled. Real smooth Kat, use your middle name.

“Already losing your words at the sight of me. Wow, I must be hotter then I thought, Kat…Ross.”

A blush crept onto my face but I hid it by walking away to an empty stool ignoring his last comment. I unwrapped my chicken sandwich as a presence sat to my left. I glanced over to find Blake. Yay me.

“Can I sit here? Yeah, oh thanks.”

“Do you always answer your own questions?” I asked dryly.

“Yes because I’m that smart and also sexy.”

“You’re so full of yourself.”

I scooted a couple benches to the right from him finishing my lunch. He scooted closer to me, so I got up and threw my trash in a bin.

 “Don’t bother following me.” I said.

I left the cafeteria in frustration. He’s so full of himself. Ughh, I need a break from all this. The weather outside seemed relaxing and the doors to the enormous green field were open. I sat in the shade under a tree and pulled out my new phone. I was too lost in my game of Angry Birds, I didn’t notice the student standing above me. The person joined me on the grass under the tall apple tree and bumped my shoulder, breaking me out of my gaming trance. To my left, Blake pulled out some blades of grass and twirled it around his fingers.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to be such a jerk.”

“It’s okay; just try to be nicer next time.”

“Next time? Meaning you’re still willing to talk to me?”

“I have no one else to talk to. You’re the only person I’ve had an actual conversation with since I moved.”

He stared at me in a weird way that I can’t explain. I turned away awkwardly but he pulled my chin to face him again. In a voice just above a whisper, he replied,

“You’re the only person I’ve spoken to, also.”

We smiled at each other and stared into space. We sat in comfortable silence until the bell rang. Blake stood up and offered his hand to help me up. I took it and he walked me to my locker and then to class, like a real gentleman. Who knew he could go from an arrogant asshole to a sweet gentleman in a matter of minutes?

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