nowhere else (natalia.)

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(TW: drugging, physical & s/assault, blood

if you don't like that, then click off the story. This is meant to be dark and depressing.

still here...?

ok, i warned you guys.)

nemeses are a major part of any superhero's career. superman had lex luthor. batman had the joker. green lantern had sinestro...

and the scarlet spider had you.

ever since you made your presence known, the spider hero would always manage to show up to take you down and send you to prison. of course, you were able to elude her more often than not.

one day, you managed to get away. you left the scarlet spider impaired and injured, yes, but you let her live. there was way too much attention being drawn, and you'd most likely end up caught, and so you fled back to your hideout.

natalia was staggering back to try and make her way back home. could just tell her mom she got into a fight at the university...she couldn't fully focus, her vision was was so hard to even see three feet in front of her, she had to walk. swinging around in this state was dangerous.

she managed to get far enough away from all the commotion so she wasn't swarmed by crazy fans or the police wanting to ask questions...but her spider senses were out of wack...and by the time she was able to feel the presence behind her, she felt a sharp pain in her neck, her eyes widening.

she spun around, ready to fight if needed, but she felt like her limbs were made of lead. her eyelids slowly started to close. she barely lifted her wrist, shooting a web to the base of her mask before she collapsed, the world going black.

the next few hours...days...? fuck, who knew anymore. she was barely conscious, brief flashes of pain, caused by people punching and kicking her. the dull aching wracking her entire body. the feeling of something between her legs that made her semi-conscious head pray to every god out there that it wasn't what she thought.

she had been constantly drugged to dull her senses and her strength, being as useful as a normal human at this point. the most she was able to control was her mask. she was barely able to keep it on, webbing it again to make sure it stayed, which only caused the beatings to get worse and worse.

her ribs felt like they were broken and bruised. blood was trailing from the openings in her mask...and everything hurt.

at some point, they got sloppy, the dosage not being enough to keep her in check...and she wrenched herself free. she didn't hold back when she would attack, screams being cut short, bones cracking...the fear coursing through her was making her lose control of her strength.

she managed to get herself out, grabbing what clothes she could off her attackers to try and cover her tattered suit.

when she left the building, she recognized the part of town she was in...

she knew where your hideout was, of course she did, but it made it easy to track you down...and in this case...hopefully some sort of safety, she prayed.

she shakily and slowly made her way towards the building, her gaze darting everywhere around her before she frantically knocked on the door.

you had been trying to come up with a plan to try and take care of natalia the next time she tried to stop you...but then you heard the knock...someone here? especially at this time of night? you were immediately cautious, making your way over to the door as you swiftly opened it, stunned at the sight before you.

there stood the scarlet spider, shivering in the cold of the night. her suit was torn up, part of her mask ever being torn to reveal her left eye. there was blood covering her, and her gaze was pleading. she also looked extremely dazed...most likely drugged. before you could get a single word out, the spider spoke.

"...didn't know where go..." she mumbled, terror in her voice as she suddenly collapsed forward.

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