{|-OMORI OST-acrophobia-pt. 6-|}

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pt. 6 YEEEEE

chester's pov

i just sat there wanting to tell parker that he isnt and never will be a horrible demon like those things we happen to run into. the tall brunette was nothing like a demon yes he does make bad decisions and is naive at times but dont we all at some points in our life but- my point is parker is not some evil thing that goes and kills to its hearts desire, and its hurts something deep inside to hear him say that about himself. where is that overly confident jerk that makes of this stupid man...

i hear a small sniffle and decide its the last and speak whats on my mind for once- taking a deep breath i spill

"parker- dont say that about yourself. you are my best friend, ur not a demon you will never be one of those hideous things we come face to face with, your much more handsome then they ever could be. horns or no horns you mean so much to me.. even if you make so many stupid decisions that make me want to punch you so hard that you end up on Jupiter, you are still you and i love you." i say straight from the heart- but soon regreting it as i see a smirk grow on his stupid hot🌝 face.. i really shouldn't feed his ego by calling him handsome but sadly the damage is already done and now i have to deal with this jerk again.

but i smile to myself because that was the plan all along lol get parker to feel his normal self again.

"sooo you think im handsome?" parker coos resting his tired hands on his tear stained chin smirking close to my face, close enough to make my face flush a pink color, exactly what the other was looking for.

i just roll my eyes knowing everything he does is just to get a reaction out of me

"shush up parker-" i shove his face away from mine by my hand gently over his forehead looking the other way so parker couldn't see how flustered i was.. i was red.

"ok ok ok ill stawwpp" parker smirked putting his hands up as a peace sign

but right when i go to move my hand a rough hand grabs it pulling it down slowly to the tallers nose

"b-bro wha r u doin?" my heart feels like it stopped beating waiting for an explanation for parkers weird actions

"you smell kinda funny-" parker says lowly looking at me in the eye-

"wha-at the hell does that mean asshole??" i stuttered trying to free my hand from his tight grip

"you kinda smell like- uh idk u just smell good- little too good" parker says the last part lowering his voice so it was deeper making me blush but he is just starting to just straight up scare me now what the fuck does that mean i smell good, is he out of his damn mind?! maybe he hit his head a little too hard, but that surprising because i thought his head was too thick to get damaged

the answer is now yes the reasoning to this belief is that he is literally sniffing up my arm slowly making his way to the nape of my neck




"what the hell are you doing?"

"i- i dont know you just smell so good~ like nothing i ever smelt before-" parkers eyes close taking in the unfamiliar but welcoming scent of the shorter

"wha-at u doin man?" Chester gulped nervously

"just- nothing calm down~" parker mumbles due to being dug into Chester's nape

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