{|-Pad-Thai-Jack Stauber-pt.7-|}

16 2 10


parkers pov


i just need a distraction from all of this... uhh ill just look through emails- wait.. fuck! i cant even do that. i just realized we cant film anymore, i have these dumbass horns and tail. stupid dumb demon. well now what do i do i could just go on my phone ughh but thats boring, i could watch tv nvm i dont know any good shows... uh umm
oh! i could go and bug Chester heh- oh yeah that sounds fun muhahahHa-" i thought to myself as i sat there

no ones pov

'knock knock'

parker waits patiently rocking back 'n forth on his heels for an answer

"yeah, you can come in-" Chester said slightly startled by the sudden knock from the taller quickly. closing his laptop and sliding it under the bed where he put it when he's to lazy to get up to put of his desk(real tho)

hearing the quiet affirmation(i def used that word wrong lol) he heard from the other side of the thin wood door, pushing it open gently the muscles on his arm flexing

deep red and ice blue eyes met in the bright room the totally not incubus eyes narrowed at the bright over-head lights in the others bedroom he never really understood how Chester can even think with it being to bright, he knows himself and he would instantly get a migraine(ayo parker being relatable streak)

the silence was awkward so Chester quickly spoke up

"he-y dude whatcha need?" Chester asked nerves being set off slightly but he still lays there on his fluffy bed, head up against the headboard

parker finally breaks the heavy eye contact instead looking down at his socked feet his tail swishing in 'n out of his eyesight

"uh idk im just bored and i was jus- thinkin 'bout bothering you" parker spilled shrugging lightly making eye contact again, which Chester didnt mind a bit, in all honesty he was starting to miss the deep red heart eyes staring into his soul hungrily..😏

Chester slightly smirks in fondness, he's secretly likes when parker is shy like that its rare but its there enough to love

still wearing a smile chester claims "well if your bored i can keep you company, im not doing anything that important anyway soo" the smaller sees a little smile form on parkers face and he sits up a little from the headboard

"ok thanks bro-" the horned male says walking to seemingly to sit next to Chester like a normal human being- but he isnt really human
so to Chester's surprise he feels a strong palm against his chest pushing the blonde against the headboard where he once relaxed but he isnt relaxed anymore..

"pr-ker what the hell-" Chester mutters cut off before he could get a full sentence out

"shh Chester- just relax 'm not gonna do anything~" parker whispers close to the shorters ear hot breath tickling the top of his now red ear making him tense harder

Chester just lays there million thoughts going through his immaculate huge brain watching parkers red tail swish left to right trying to seduce the other

parkers sniffing only went lower down his neck quietly whimpering at the tight grip the brunette has the the smallers waist- then Chester got a erekah! moment and thought back to what he read about the demon's horns.. muahaha weak spot detected.

poor Chester only expecting parker to be weaken physically like just backing off because it hurt to touch the horns but- no he was sooo wrong.. so wrong

when Chester reached one hand up to the dark red horns wrapping his fingers around the girth of it thumbs running over the tip on his 😏horn not purposely

"ah! hahh~ fffuc-" parker's eyes glossed over now hooded, mewling loudly next to Chester's ear bucking his hips onto absolutely nothing but air

the blonde quickly pulled his hand back blushing even harder not expecting that reaction at all

parker stayed completely still, blushing harder then Chester somehow. he himself not even knowing he could produce those types of noises.

"w-hat the- hell?" the blonde looked down at parkers lower stomach area in shock

"l-look im sorry i didnt mean to make-" parker looked away guiltily but Chester quickly corrected it

"n-no bro look at ur stomach!" Chester demanded now both of them looking at the mysterious red-ish glow from under parkers hoodie, they both stared at it in shock like idiots

chester sallowed his feelings pushing them away and slowly moving his not so steady hand over to the demons lower stomach but he stopped and quickly looked up at parker to see the tallers expression

and shit he looked ho- wait what ayo shut up

but- i have to admit he looks good with hooded dark eyes and biting his bottom lip swollen, the shine of his bright fang caught my eye making my hazy mind fill with even more things..

i look back down and reach my hand up his hoodie pressing my palm to my surprise it was really warm

as i lift my palm up to lift up the rough fabric i hear a small gasp from parker that made my spine spike up

i shiver desperate for that weird feeling to wash away

"so you are a incubus-" i whisper to myself but parker unfortunately heard it too

looking at me confused the horned man spoke up
"whats a incubus?" parkers asked tilting his head

i feel my face flush at the silly but terribly endearing head tilt, parker is so cute but so so dumb its almost adorable.. wait-

i shake my head glasses slipping lower on my nose "uh" shit how do i explain this" its a type of demon" i answer nervously looking away from the deep red staring into my soul. i was expecting parker to ask more questions but he didnt.. i had a sneaky feeling he knew, pretty sure hes self aware.


hey pooks hope u enjoyed!!

i kinda lost motivation so updates will be slower 😔

sowry guwys 🥺🥺👉👈/hj

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