180 seconds... and more

418 32 21

Porchay won another fan sign event for WIK; his now boyfriend, but now it's a face to face event.

Watch as Kim and Chay flirt in front of everyone in the event.


Bambi, what time do you need to go to uni?

Was the first message that Porchay read when he opened his phone. It's 8 in the morning on Saturday and he has 2 classes today.

You don't have to drive me to uni, P'Kim. You have a schedule today, don't you?

Chay typed in a reply to his boyfriend before stretching his body and getting up from the bed.

He fixes his bed neatly before going straight to the bathroom for his morning routine and taking a quick bath. Once he's done, he goes back to his room, gets his phone and checks if Kim replied; which he did.

I'm already at the compound, Bambi. My schedule is at 5 PM, I can still drive you to uni.

Without replying to Kim, Porchay hurriedly runs out of his suite, down to the living room, and throws himself to his boyfriend.

Kim, out of shock with the sudden weight dumped on him; almost tripped down the floor- good thing he has Porsche behind him to support him and Chay.

"P'Kiiiiim!" Porchay excitedly conveyed his happiness through his high-pitched voice and his arms now tightly wrapped around his boyfriend's nape.

Kim chuckled at that, he snaked his arms around Porchay's slim waist to further support his boyfriend's weight.

Porsche on the other hand snickered at the scene in front of him. "Chay, you act like you haven't seen Kim in months!"

"Well, it's been a day." Chay answered in a matter-of-fact voice to which Kim laughed at. "You won't let him sleepover every Friday!"

"Because he sleeps over every other day, Porchay!" Porsche almost gasped. "He slept over the day before yesterday and he will most definitely sleepover tonight too!"

Porchay untangled himself from Kim but not before leaving a swift peck on the older's lips. When he faced his Hia he frowned at him "STILL!" he exclaimed, his arms crossed over his chest and his feet stomped- obviously sulking.

"Bambi" Kim called him softly, and had his hand on Chay's arm before pulling him back to his chest. "It's okay. I missed you too, and I'll sleep over today. Hmm?" He felt Porchay nodding against his chest; he pecked the crown of Chay's head.

Porsche let out a fake puking sound before saying "Urgh! Stop being disgusting early in the morning! Go to the dining area, breakfast is ready!" He said, his face looks like he's about to puke for real while looking at his baby brother and Kim hugging in the middle of the living room. He left them after while still making that puking sounds.

"YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS, HIA! BECAUSE P'KINN IS OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND YOU'RE ALONE IN BED FOR A WEEK NOW!" Chay bravely screamed when he made sure that his Hia was already in the dining area, Porsche can still hear him though; but he would be too lazy to bicker back.

Kim can't help but to laugh- louder than he intended. "Bambi, that's enough." He softly mumbled against Chay's shoulder after leaning in. "What time is your class today?"

180 Seconds [KimChay Onshot AU]Where stories live. Discover now