⭐. 5

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Jay- bruh where ma

Ace- I'm hungry

Jay- forreal!

Ace- u call her

Jay- no Tutu did

Ace- Tutu!

Hope-*runs in *  noo

Tutu- *runs after her*

Ace- woo *picks up hope*

Jay- what does she have

Tutu- mom's ring

Ace- oh no no give it hope

Hppe- me no have it

Jay- lawdd did you drop it

Ace- please say no

Hope-*nod yes*

Tutu- were dead *run upstairs*

Jay- where you going

Tutu- to look for the ring

Jay- Ace see if she can remember where I'm help Tutu *run upstairs*

Ace-*seats down* do you know where you had it last

Hope- no bruh bruh

Ace- *seats her on his lap* come on think

Hope- I not know


Tutu- *under the bed*

Jay- *in the closet* u see it

Tutu- no not yet!  You?

Jay- ugh no

Tutu- * seats up* mom's gonna kill us

Jay *seats on bed*

*Door bell ring*

Jay&tutu-*jump up* mom!


Ace-*open the door* hey ma

Yn-*holding bags* go get the bags boii

Ace- yes ma'am *run outside*

Yn-*walks in kitchen*

Hope- *walks in* mommy

Yn- hey baby

Hope- *looks at bags on table*

Yn- *puts stuff up*

Hope- *point* food mommy

Yn- yes that's right

Ace-*come in with bags*

Jay- *run in*

Yn- woo stop running

Jay- sorry anymore bags

Ace- yeah  *walks out*


Yn- where's Tutu

Hope- in yo room

Yn- why?

Hope- bec..

Tutu- I'm right here

Yn- were u in my room

Tutu- no *give hope evil eye*

Hope- *smil

Jay- ma * puts bags down*

Yn- yes

Tutu- *puts Food up*

Jay- there's a black car right across the street

Yn- and?

Ace-*puts bag down* ugh dats all

Jay- and they seem to be watching the house

Yn- it could just be having family over

Ace- that's what I told him

Tutu- or the could be spys *laugh*


Jay-*rolls eyes* I'm forreal ma

Yn- I know babe but we having ppl over tomorrow

Ace- ugh more cleaning

Tutu- nooo!

Yn- yes and find something nice to wear

Jay- yeah ok

Ace-*pick up hope* come on lil one

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