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Yn Room

Yn- *looking under bed* where is it.?

Tutu-*walk in* mommy?

Yn- yeah *moving boxes under bed*

Tutu- can I make popcorn

Yn- um yeah give your sister a Lil
Tutu- um OK but what you looking for ca

Yn- my ring

Tutu- um let me go make this popcorn *run out *

Yn-*looks at the door* hmm somethings up *yell* Ace!

Ace- *run into her* yes?

Yn- *across arms* where's my ring

Ace- *looks down* ummm I don't know

Yn- you know something

Ace-*yell* Jay!

Jay- *walks in* wassup

Ace- ma lost her ring *fake laugh*

Jay-*eyes go big*

Yn-*look at him* you know where it is Jay?

Jay- nah *play with hair*

Ace- sure you do *fake smile*

Jay-*looks at him like really nigga* haha nah remember you were looking at it

Ace-*stop smiling*

Yn- yall have 2 mins *sits on the bed*

Jay & ace- *gets scared* we'll be right back *run out*

Jay- I'm not going down for hope

Ace- we could just tell her hope lost

Jay- she won't believe it

Ace- right

Jay- ma short but scares me

Ace- yes man

Yn- *walks out room* so where's my ring

Ace&jay-*look at each other*

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